Hi Vivian and others,

Perhaps you-all missed my post (written shortly after Wendell's plea) on 
goanet.  My suggestion is what Mahatma Gandhi would likely have done.  No 
speeches, no letter writing, no posts.  Just ACTION.

I had suggested EVERY Sunday, at 2:00 PM, Goans led by Wendell and / or 
Margaret and other leaders lead a MORCHA to Government house in Panaji till the 
problem is solved.  The same is repeated in every village that has the problem. 
 In villages where there are tourist hotels, the morcha proceeds on to the 
tourist hotels FOR A ONE HOUR SIT-IN.  Soon help will be on its way!  

To date, I have not seen any response / action to my suggestion.  Just more 
posts.  The action plan suggested has NO COST, just coordination, participation 
and leadership.
Kind Regards, GL

Vivian D'Souza:
Kudos to Wendell, Margaret Mascarenhas, Helga, Floriano Lobo, Melinda and 
countless others who are fighting the battle to control the garbage situation 
in our beautiful Goa. We need help, from everyone.  Goans in Goa and the Goan 

The Goa government has disingenously, "passed the buck" as far as garbage 
disposal is concerned to Panchayats and Municipalities without giving them the 
wherewithall to do it.   As a consequence the Panchayats especially, who are 
made up mostly of not so educated politicians, have in turn passed the buck on 
to private contractors to pick up garbage and dispose it....and dispose it they 
do by the side of the road and in areas less frequented, with scant concern for 
health and the outbreak of disease.

How can we invite tourists to Goa when Goa is a stinking garbage pile ?  Before 
we get the International Film Festival of India and a new International 
airport, we need the basics, and that is basic hygiene in Goa, garbage 
disposal, toilets etc.
Help !!!!

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