Tagore Almeida & The Uncultured Company invite you to the 2nd edition of 
Tagore’s website (www.tagorealmeida.com) . 

Launched in December 04, the web site talks about humanity and tolerance. It 
showcases a mere mortal’s effort to remind the world that we must live in 
tolerance, in love and in unity. People’s faith is one, they all believe in a 
certain divine force, they just call HIM by a different name, communicate in 
different ways. 

The 2nd edition includes some colour, compared to the previous black and white 
web-site. There is a new section called ‘life’, which compliments two other 
sections in the site, namely ‘humanity’ and ‘spirituality’.  The 
section ‘life’ looks at how we can incorporate ways in our daily lives to rise 
above a lot of obstacles that seem to be part of the world we live in. ‘Life’ 
questions the myth about having to compromise on humanity in order to be 
successful in life. It also encourages the unsung hero who does a lot of 
giving in the world, often taken for granted by those around. Finally it looks 
at how messengers are all around giving us signs on what we seem to be 
forgetting or mission out on.

There is also another section added called ‘media’ wherein on can get access 
to all 12 of Tagore’s books of verses. The viewer can either read the books 
online, or download them in PDF format or even download the books for their 
hand held devices such as PDAs. There are new colour photos added too on the 
site, which we hope will make it visually appealing.

Finally, there is a press-kit that can be downloaded which hopefully our 
media/journalist viewer will download and get interested in covering us, thus 
spreading the peace mission to their audience. 

Come and be a part of this, and then take our soul and share it with the world.

May peace be with you all, may love and blessing shower on your lives always.

Smiles & Prayers


I might not be able to change the world, but I can definitely touch the lives 
of the people that I meet

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