Dear All,
This is in response to Florinos outburst at the Apathy Action plan by
Melinda Roland et al. I think I can understand his anger at the apathy
demonstrated by the public, politicians and the newspapers towards the
garbage issue. In any evolved society in this planet the polluter would have
paid dearly for the crime of bulldozing garbage into a river as the Mhapsa
municipality has done. But in Goa agitations occur only where the bhaille is
percieved to be involved as in the Meta strips and Konkan Railway/ Mopa
agitations. As long as the abuse of Goa by Goans-be it pollution, illegal
conversion, hill/tree cutting, CRZ violations etc ;it is going to be OK. Goa
for Goans !!

Florianos grouse is that instead of holding these namby pamby workshops we 
should be
voting out these theives. The problem is that most of the middle class
rarely vote and most of the theives are elected from the block voting in the
various nagars that have flourished in our towns and villages. These
workshops are an attempt by Roland Martin to educate the so called educated
middle class on their rights and duties as consumers and citizens.
Dr.Pascal Pinto

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