Dear Netgaokars,

If one looks at the statistics, one wonders whose "Official Language" the
Antruzi "Konkani in Devanagari script" is. The Goa Government has no known
periodical fully in Konkani, its 'Official Gazette' is in English and only
8.25% of its Primary schools are in Konkani medium [ some of these schools
also teach Marathi ]. Contrast this with the number of Church run
periodicals in Konkani[ Romi script] and parish bulletins[ mostly bi-lingual
English-Konkani] in Goa and the fact that it runs 126 [99% of its 127]
primary schools in the Official Language of the State, in Devanagari
script!! And one thought that we have effectively separated religion from
the state. Is the local church becoming "Mais papista do que Papa" or more
'official' in this context than the Government?

The only primary institutions that are showing growth are in English medium.
Both Konkani and Marathi primary schools are in the decline phase for
obvious reasons. Almost everyone who can afford it and can get a seat in the
English primary schools, enrols his child in one 'for better future'. Are
the local languages as the 'medium of instructions 'then becoming the tools
for the  suppression of the poor rural masses? Is the DSE becoming an
unwitting abettor of this conspiracy for subjugation of the rural poor by
the urban elite? How many of Goa's politicians, Konkani/Marathi leaders,
senior bureaucrats of Goa Civil Service and Catholic lay leaders with school
going children/grandchildren enrolled them in Konkani/Marathi schools for
primary eduction? The statistics is bound to throw up interesting results.
> Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Konknni vixim kaim gorjeche vixoi tumkam he chitti vangdda zoddun
dhaddleat. Otubr 20 ver, sanjechea 5.30 vorancher Uday Bhembrochem ulovp
Centre of Historical Research" hanga asa.
 Borem magun,
> Pratap Naik, S.J.> TSKK
[Goa  and the Konkan + Belgaum]
> Script        Devanagiri  Kannada Roman Perso-Arabic
> Daily                1           -                -
> Weekly                         4               1
> Fortnightly                     1                         1
> Monthly           3          12               4        1
> Bi-monthly                   1                 2
> Quarterly                     2
> Four monthly                1
> Six monthly
> Total                4          19              7         2

TABLE 2;   Primary Schools (I –IV Std) in Konkani
and Marathi in Goa as on 30. 09.2004

Management     Total *  Konkani Medium     Marathi Medium

NON. GOVT.  271      137 (50.55%)          63(23.25%)
GOVT.             958        79 (08.25%)*        905 (94.47%)
TOTAL **     1229       216 (7.58%)          968(78.76%)

Source: Government of Goa statistics
** Remaining schools in English or other medium of instruction.
THE TIME HAS COME TO STOP THIS DUMB CHARADE. Either stop all urban primary
schools in English for the affluent/elite  or permit rural primary schools
in English with Government grants-in-aid to benefit the poor.[ Let us not
fool ourselves that the English primary schools in Socorro and Pilerne
Panchayat areas are rural schools: Porvorim is not a rural area!]. The
Government must also appoint at least one Konkani teacher in every
Government High School and offer the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE as a subject to its
students. The choice must be available to every single student at least from
Std.VIII to SSC in every GHS.

Viva Goa

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