Headline:  U.S. Congress Highlights Human Rights Issues For Christian Dalits

Source: The Christian Post. (San Francisco, CA).  13 Oct 2005

Court to Determine Granting of Equal Rights to Dalit Christians in India Dalit Christians will attend a court hearing next month to determine whether they will receive basic human rights that Dalits of other religions in the country now receive.


A special conference held at the U.S. Congress last Thursday addressed the human rights issues surrounding India's caste system, expressing concern over the serious exploitation of some 200 million Dalits, particularly those following the Christian faith.

The conference, titled "India's Unfinished Agenda: Equality and Justice for Victims of Caste System," was the first time Congress has held a hearing on the plight of the Dalits,

Beneath India's four main castes is a fifth group, the Dalits, more widely known as the "untouchables." Dalits are discriminated against, denied access to land, and forced to work in degrading conditions ...

The Indian government condones, ignores and in some instances, has even promoted massive catalogues of human rights violations ...

Concerning religious freedom, India has been condemned by the United States for discriminating religious minorities such as Christians and Muslims ... Among the 25 million Christians in India, an estimated 18-20 million are Dalits.

... a pending case for extension of full civil rights to Christian Dalits has been brought before India's highest court ... the hearing originally scheduled on Aug. 25 was postponed after state Attorney-General asked for more time ... Christians presented a petition to the government, asking for "urgent insertion of a discussion about their situation." ... As of now, the Supreme Court of India is due to review the case on Oct. 18. The recent conference held by the U.S. Congress was held days prior to that important hearing.

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