Your comment in the second para, about Portuguese names etc. is certainly uncalled for, and mischievuous, to say the least! You should apologise unconditionally, to all Goans with Portuguese names!

I must say, you have got the KRC and the Skybus 'filters' on permanently; you fail to remove these filters even after the Sky Bus tests have proved themselves a failure, of a big magnitude.

Nasci Caldeira

From: Lawrence Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Monorail vs Skybus
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 00:53:20 +0530


Know not what filters you use to read Averthan D'Souza's posts.  I
too, believe, the tone and content, are, to put it very mildly, *
really unfortunate*.

Yes, Averthan may be entitled to his opinion.  But, should members of
Goanet be subjected to having to read the rantings of those who seem
allergic to anyone whose name is not of Portuguese origin?

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