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View  From  The  Outer Harbour
By: Thalmann Pradeep Pereira
              On 2nd October 2005, the nation paid grateful homage to Mahatma Gandhi, on his 136th   birth anniversary. The Congress party, which heads the Govt. of Goa, knows only the current Gandhi family. So never mind that they thought it was the Mahatma's death anniversary. The state BJP leadership, which does not have any people's issues on their agenda to make noise about, made a lot of noise about this faux-pas. Trust the BJP to know the difference between Gandhiji's birth-date and his death-date. After all how CAN they ever forget 30th January 1948?
              Every year on Gandhi Jayanti, the various statues of Gandhiji get a neckful of garlands. Enthusiastic youth leaders, who are otherwise busy positioning themselves as future ticket-aspirants, pose for newspaper cameras with brooms in hands at 10 a.m. that day, on streets that have already been cleaned and swept early in the morning, as usual, by the hundreds of Harijans who make up the sweeper roll of our Municipalities. And enterprising bar-owners sell liquor through their side-windows or their back-doors, on what is supposed to be a dry-day as per government directives.
              This year some of our gambling establishments literally went overboard. They remembered Gandhiji on 15th August itself. One casino establishment got its waiters to wear Gandhi-caps while serving liquor to their gambler-customers on that day, and never mind that 15th August is also supposed to be a dry-day.
              Gandhiji used to say that the Golden Talisman to judge any governmental action is to find out whether it brings some relief to the poorest of the poor in this country. But the policies being actually implemented by the Congress-led governments both at the centre and in Goa, seem to be designed to accord with some other benchmark in as much as that the effort seems to be solely to bring broader smiles on the faces of those who already have a surfeit of things. How else can one understand the Goa Govt.'s stand that they have no money to pay the computer teachers in the schools or to improve the facilities in the various Govt. hospitals, even as thousands of crores of Rupees are earmarked for a fantasy airport at Mopa in respect of which not a single passenger-traffic estimation study has been done?
              The Congress party in Goa seems to be bent on outdoing all the dubious records set by the erstwhile Manohar Parrikar regime of the BJP. Already Parrikar himself has started howling that while he presided over only a 100-crore IFFI, the Rane Govt. is presiding over a 3000-crore new airport at Mopa. One is tempted to recall the pot and the kettle. But the point is that all the black soot will have to be suffered by the general public.              
              Parrikar's IFFI was nothing but the cosmetic beautification of one road in Panjim. The flooding of Panjim's streets this year exposed his trickle-down strategy that the hosting of the IFFI will spell economic spin-offs for the whole of Goa. Under the Congress party's rule, the indiscriminate re-zoning of some selected properties from 'Agricultural' to 'Settlement' to 'Commercial-2', under the garb of "Town & Country Planning" will only bring Goa's middle classes to their knees in the near future, much as Mumbai's smug middle classes have already started realizing the enormity of the builder-lobby's clout which drowned them twice in the last monsoon.
              And if anyone still thinks that a secular Congress-NCP-MGP government is different from a communal BJP-MGP-UGDP government, well then he better get ready with pen-and paper to stroll down the Congress-organized IFFI-2005 and compare it with the BJP-organized IFFI-2004. There will be much to ruminate over.
              Sometimes the slip of the tongue betrays the real beat of the heart. The BJP  knows very well that Gandhiji was assassinated on 30th January 1948. It was a Freudian slip that made the Congress party kill Gandhiji on 2nd October. 
              Till the next Monday, then, Happy Thinking!
"Harbour Times" (03-10-2005)

|          1st Young Goans International Essay contest 2005              |
|                                                                        |
|                   Theme: WHAT CAN I DO FOR GOA                         |
|                         More details at                                |
|  http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/034190.html    |

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