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Hello Goanetters
Just few days back I had written about Laxmi Mittal Investing 9 billion
dollars in Jarkand and another Korean company investing 12 billion dollars
in Bihar, for setting up Steel companies. And now our President, Dr APJ
Abdul Kalam mentions in his nine point program about a steel plant using Goa
’s iron ore. Wonder why none of our Mine owners nor our politicians ever
thought of Getting Laxmi Mittal to invest in Goa where by countless Goans
would have got jobs.
Jerry Fernanes

Reference to Goanet news

PANJIM, Oct 18: The President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam today urged the
State legislators to follow a Road Map for transforming Goa into a modern
state in the next decade where its citizens will have high living standards
and quality of life. For this purpose, he unveiled a nine-point Mission
Chart focussing on tourism, horticulture, an exclusive IT Park, a steel
plant using Goa's iron ore, preparing paramedics, urban amenities for rural
prosperity, fishing, jatropha-based bio-fuel and infrastructure. He also
proposed a Special Economic Zone for IT products, BPOs and small scale
industries. In his 50-minute address to the Assembly today, Dr Kalam said,
"Goa is peaceful and safe and this needs to be complimented with missions.
Dr Kalam said the per capita income of Goa could be increased from the
existing Rs.34,000 to Rs.70,000 by 2009-10. "Goa should also aim at 100 per
cent literacy by 2010," he said. (H)

|          1st Young Goans International Essay contest 2005              |
|                                                                        |
|                   Theme: WHAT CAN I DO FOR GOA                         |
|                         More details at                                |
|  http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/034190.html    |

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