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It is an undeniable fact that M. Boyer was the fast composer and he could rightly sing few lines at the spur of the moment. Earlier Young Menezes was considered as fast composer of the song, he could compose one song consisitng of 6 verses in very short time. William de Curtorim is rated as faster than others but the late Rex de Bardez from Siolim was the real fastest composer. At the spur of the moment he could sing two verses on any topic given by anyone. This high skill of his of composing and singing I have tested in front of my colleagues and on the strtenght of this I selected him to show this skill of his to the audience at Hotel Meridien in 1990 November for the show of KKK. But before the show could organise Kuwait was invaded by Iraq and our plan of depicting Rex de Bardez's skill was fizzled out. May the soul of Rex de Bardez Rest in Peace. He died in tragic circumstances a few years back in Goa in his locality.

A. Veronica Fernandes.

From: Edward Verdes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@goanet.org>
To: Goanet <goanet@goanet.org>
Subject: [Goanet] M.Boyer as fast composer...
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 12:40:31 +0300

M.Boyers speed in composing songs was mostly seen when he used  to sing the
comic songs...it was after a public..fium fiumm fiuummm (goan way of saying
once again)
that he had to come on stage several times to continue singing...each time
with new verse
and composed on the spot..and finally ending up with a small speech to
distract the audience...
like.....Tumkam chodd dev borem korun mhunntam kiteak tumi eun ho tiatr
maka sat pautt apoilo ani boroch tokoilo..atam upkar magtam urlolo tiatr
tumi bore bhaxen polloicho..
He had a way of dancing to the music in between the verses..(as if driving..
holding the wheel)
which was later copied by Succorin....

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|          1st Young Goans International Essay contest 2005              |
|                                                                        |
|                   Theme: WHAT CAN I DO FOR GOA                         |
|                         More details at                                |
|  http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/034190.html    |

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