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Dear Gurudatta,

CONGRATULATIONS TO RUPA and the man who stands solidly behind her in this
foray into politics, Gurudatta!.

When I posted the email below on the various Net groups, some people thought
I was mad. BINGO. It was rather accurate. Both the ladies whom I expected to
lose, did lose. I expected Rupa and Ryan to win. They did. I am not into
politics...but I like good people to win. It is upto them to remain
good...or turn bad and face defeat the next time round as their predessors
did. We have a majority of new faces in MMC. It is always nice that way. New
brooms sweep the cleanest.
----- Original Message -----
: "Miguel Braganza" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
To: "Goanet" <goanet@goanet.org>;
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS: Jo jeeta woh Sikander!

> The good councillors , who have the good of their ward residents and their
> town are few and far between. They may  not be modern day Raja
> types, but they served the local interest most times.
> The non-performers are ,obviously, one-time councillors. No one will vote
> for them.
> It is in the new faces that one has hopes where a good councillor does not
> exist. At the very least, they will take time to become corrupt as
> to the 'experienced hands.'
> In the toss between a proven turncoat who has served one or more terms
> shifted sides more than once to be on the ruling side] and a new face with
> proven management capacity, whether affiliated to a political party or
> the logical choice of the voter should be the new face. Party affiliation
> no big shake in a municipality . >  One of these two  young ladies is
facing stiff opposition from a dynamic
> office bearer of the GPCCI, who has set up her election office in the same
> building as the senior hand in the MMC. The other has the son of the
> Chairperson and Congress man to fend against.  It may well be a 'Oktober
Fest' at Mandarin on 25 October!
I wish Rupa all the best. May she become the Chairperson of MMC. My mother
was offered that post in the 1970s. She declined because she had seven of us
children to look after and two of us were still in school. She made the
sacrifice and only accepted the Vice-chairmanship. No regrets in any of us.
Rupa has no such responsibilities. She can go the whole hog as Ms Phyllis
Faria did before her. Mrs. Faria was also nominated as an MLA while Goa was
part of an Union Territory. That is no longer possible in Goa State. May
Rupa win and become an MLA, sooner rather than later. The electorate is sure
looking for a new face in Mhapsa....a person who remains in one party, even
if it is in the opposition for the full five years. The Assembly elections
are not too far away.

 Viva Goa.


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