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As a beneficiary of Rosa Park's defiance of the
segregation she faced and the civil rights movement
that she inspired in the US, I endorse all that George
has expressed in his post below, including his hopes
for the Dalits who still face crippling discrimination
in India almost 60 years after India's independance,
and also commend George for his work through Goa
I hope that we can also spare some of our sentiment
for the more recent liberation of the 50 million
Muslims who were brutalized for decades by Muslim
tyrants in Afghanistan and Iraq, who are now moving
inexorably towards their own version of freedom and
democracy, braving bullets and bombs to turn out and
vote, in defiance of the terrorists and fascists still
trying to deny them their inalienable rights.
--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Floriano;
> Thank you for your kind words.  Yesterday, another
> icon of the civil rights passed away - Rosa
> Parks.  If it wasn't for her brave stand, Goans
> would be further behind in the fight for equality
> and justice in the USA and other parts of the world
> (as the civil rights movement empowered other
> freedom struggles and in turn benefited by other
> global independence movements). I have visited
> Montgomery, Alabama, twice where Rosa Parks took her
> famous stand of refusing to give up her bus
> seat to a white person. 

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