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Dental Tourism in Goa is nothing new. It may not be as old as the beach
shacks but the old hands have always been combining their visits to Goa with
visits to their dentist. In fact today Dental Tourism in Goa beats Medical
Tourism. The reasons are obvious. The health services of the West provide an
excellent service for medical problems but dental services by an large are
not covered. Dental insurance is available but not very affordable. The
rapidly growing geriatric populations need increased dental care which
governments cannot afford.The infrastructure required for medical tourism is
massive as is seen in Singapore and South Africa. Goa at this stage
infrastructure wise is no way comparable to the medical infrastructure
present even in our large metros let alone the world!! The dental tourism
infrastructure is lower in cost and entails lower risk. However like other
tourism related infrasatructure it requires dependable power,water and
sanitation services.

The Government must recognise it as a distinct entity to Medical Tourism and
support it in its ad and publicity campaigns. The cultural differences in
dental care must be understood and exploited. If developed well dental
tourism could very well be the value added service Goa could provide in the
new millenium. Most important good dental services will ensure repeat visits
as patients return to keep their dental appoinments!! That will support
brand loyalty to Goa tourism.

Dr.Pascal Pinto MDS FDSRCS(Eng)

---- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Dental Surgeries in Goa

See http://www.przoom.com/news/1811/

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