|              Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE                 |
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|      by visiting this link and following the instructions therein      |
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
The recent bombings in New Delhi and elsewhere should
also remind all Goanetters of the actual and tacit
support for the Islamo-fascist cause by many on the
political left-wing, when the Isalmo-fascists were
operating in Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, New York and
This is the same extreme radical philosophy, supported
by only a very small but violent fraction of Muslims,
that has been operating in India since independance,
in Israel since their independance, in Indonesia, the
Phillipines and the rest of the middle east, confirmed
by Al Zuhawiri's recently disclosed statement of their
long term strategy to form a broader jihadi Caliphate
in order to confront and destroy Israel.
In this same vein, Goanetters should also take note of
what Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said last
week, first proclaiming the chilling goal that Israel
should be "wiped off the map", then repeating this in
subsequent statements.
--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yesterday's cowardly terrorist bombings in Delhi,
> and
> the recent bombings in Bali, Indonesia, should be a
> timely reminder to us, to remain alert for possible
> terrorist bombings.
> Goa has been relatively peaceful so far, and so was
> Bali.  With the upcoming IFFI, the hordes of
> tourists
> and the Diwali and Christmas seasons, we need to be
> alert.  I hope our security agencies are on alert. 
> The public too needs to do their part, and be on the
> look-out for bags or packages left un-attended.
> Paranoia ?  Perhaps.  But better safe than sorry.
> The
> cowardly terrorists are bent on mayhem and respect
> nobody.  Many if not most of the victims of
> yesterdays
> blast in Delhi were women and children.  How low and
> cowrdly can one get ?

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