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Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here we go again, discussing topics totally un-related
to Goa on this forum. The topic about African
Americans or American Blacks may have a narrow
interest among a few Goa Netters, but it is irrelevat
to those of us who care about Goa first.
Viva Goa !


Dear Vivian,

I appreciate the point you make, but while the topic of African Americans 
might by itself be irrelevant to those who care about Goa first, the narrow 
view of African Americans expressed on this forum by Mario Goveia and a couple 
of others should certainly concern those of us who believe in human justice, 
equal rights, and fair play.

I am preparing a detailed answer to the very negative views that Mario 
expressed. I hope that once that appears we can have a reasoned debate based 
on facts and logic, instead of the kind of intemperate personal attacks that 
mark so many of the exchanges between our members.

Very best regards,

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

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