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Re:  “UDAY BHEMBRE's  ROAD MAP TO HELL” by Godfrey Gonsalves
              Part IV
A friend has pointed to a couple of typing errors in
Part I of this chain.  The corrected statements are:
(1) The books in Roman script were used by the
missionaries upto 1684 (rpt. 1684 NOT 1984) when
Konkani was banned even from being spoken.  (2) It is
also relevant to point out here that no native Goan
anywhere ever published any Konkani literary work in
the Roman script before 1890 (rpt. 1890 NOT 1990).
The errors and consequent trouble to goanet readers
are deeply regretted.
    Now, let us move on to Godfrey’s Road Map to Hell.
4.  Godfrey makes the following statements:  (a) <<way
back in 1981 when he was almost a non entity in Goa’s
political and social circles,  he (Bhembre) put  his
signature and unanimously at that,  to a   document
that destroyed the future of Konkani in Roman
 (b)<< but cleverly leaving out a vital document
relating to a major decision on 21.11.1981 taken by
him and others where the concept of Konkani only in
Devanagari script was given the stamp of recognition
by the highest linguistic and literary  body the
National Academy of Letters viz the Sahitya Akademi
New Delhi.>>
(c) << therefore a decision to recognize  Konkani only
in Devanagari script could not have  been  taken by Mr
Uday Laximikant Bhembre and the others without the
mandate of the people or the adoption of such a
resolution by the Cabinet.>>   
(d) << Mr Bhembre needs to be put to strict proof as
to who authorized him to decide for the Konkani
speaking people of Goa for that matter of other
regions as well.>>  

     The writer displays not only crass ignorance but
also a lack of minimal common sense.  How does ONE
INDIVIDUAL put his signature to a document
UNANIMOUSLY?  A decision is called UNANIMOUS only when
everyone from among those authorized to take it, and
physically present, votes for it.  Even if merely one
out of one hundred opposes it, that resolution is NOT
said to be passed UNANIMOUSLY.  Similarly, when ALL
the members of the Advisory Board signed the
recommendation to adopt Devanagari as the recognized
script for Konkani and NONE OF THEM RECOMMENDED
OTHERWISE, it became a unanimous recommendation.  Each
member signed it in his individual capacity, according
to his own considered opinion, and cannot be said to
be responsible for the signature of others.  So, how
can you question Bhembre about the action of the other
nine?  Obviously, the other nine, INDIVIDUALLY, were
of the same opinion.  The question that weighed on the
minds of each of them at that point in time was what
course would be the best for the development of the
language; for that exactly was their main
responsibility and concern.  Moreover, they must have
taken into consideration the UNANIMOUS resolutions
which had been passed in this regard at ALL the
previous sessions of the All India Konkani Conference
(Parishad) which had been held in the various regions
where Konkani is spoken i.e. Goa, Maharashtra,
Karnataka and Kerala.
     The signatories to that document were members of
the Advisory Board which had been appointed after
following the due procedures laid down for this
purpose.  These procedures were not exclusively for
Konkani; they are uniformly applied to each and every
one of the languages recognized by the Sahitya
Akademi.  These members did not appoint themselves. 
Nor did they proffer their opinion suo motu.  They
gave their opinion only after the question was
referred to them.  And the Sahitya Akademi referred
the matter to the Advisory Board because that is its
normal procedure.  It was left to the Sahitya Akademi
to ignore the recommendation of the Board if it
thought that the same was faulty, defective or
unwarranted.  The members do not require any separate
authorization; the fact that they have been appointed
members is authorization enough.
     The names of the members of that Advisory Board
have been given by Fr. Pratap Naik in another message
to goanet.  A perusal of that list shows that it
contains members from all the regions where Konkani is
spoken; it also has writers in each of the four major
scripts in which Konkani is written.  Therefore, one
cannot say that it was constituted solely of members
from one particular region or of writers in one
particular script alone.  There were also Catholic
priests on that Board; they were probably influenced,
in addition, by the views expressed by Msgr. Dalgado.
     Godfrey, in spite of claiming to be a journalist,
does not know how the Sahitya Akademi works.  It is
not an arm of the Government but an autonomous body,
with rules and regulations for its smooth functioning
without governmental interference.  It is not bound to
follow the dictates of any Government, Central or
State.  In fact, had the Sahitya Akademi been required
to follow Government directives, Konkani would not
have earned the recognition which it did in 1975;  the
then Chief Minister of Goa, Daman & Diu, Mrs.
Shashikala Kakodkar had strongly warned the Akademi
not to grant that recognition saying that streams of
blood would flow on the streets of Goa if such a rash
decision were to be taken.
     The decision of the Akademi was officially
declared in 1982 (rpt. 1982).  Assuming that someone
was aggrieved by this decision, why was the Akademi
not approached to overturn it?  This question needs to
be asked especially to Fr. Pratap Naik and Mr.
Tomazinho Cardozo.  (The latter was, for one term, a
member of the Advisory Board too.) How is it that they
have woken up now, after 23 years?  They need to
explain their slumber or inaction for such a long
time.  Will Godfrey now direct his questions to these
worthies?  He could also ask one more question to Fr.
Naik:  After all the dust he raised on Roman script
and on the promotion of his own Graeco-Roman
orthography, why does he insist on candidates having
“sufficient knowledge of DEVANAGARI” for enrolling in
the Konkani Basic Course conducted at TSKK? 
                                      (to be
     S. M. Borges 

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