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For the kind and moving obituary: can i send you to
the funeral ( US 718 767 3411 ).  A little fact here
about his father, Prof. Pedro Correia Afonso and
Father John : both played a role in the India
independence movement in Bombay, he as a student at
the college in Bombay. They addressed meetings that
were banned and risked their carreers. The professor
was a stirring orator who wrote convincingly, both for
the Church, and the popular Press. One cannot also
leave out the contribution to the community and Bombay
civic life of the extended Heredia clan.  Fr. John's
mother was the late Jimmy Heredia's sister, perhaps
Irene would set modesty aside and and do a little
piece for our benefit, in a tribute to family 
Patriarch Jose Heredia.  RIP.     Eric.

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