|              Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE                 |
|                                                                        |
|      by visiting this link and following the instructions therein      |
|                                                                        |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
FN's Eye on FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) 10NOV05
Please forward this to FLOSS groups you know... help it grow -FN


FREEBSD ... AND INDIA: When FreeBSD 6.0 got recently
released, one thought of checking out its links with India.
Dru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> responded to a query to to say,
"While I don't know about Indian involvement with the FreeBSD
project, I know there is involvement with BSD Certification
(http://www.bsdcertification.org). One of the members of the
bsdcert mailing list will be at FOSS India -- http://foss.in
-- handing out 1500 copies of our brochure. We also have two
translators who are starting translations into Hindi,
Bengali, Tamil and Telegu. As the current chair of the BSD
Certification Group, I am interested in spreading the word
about BSD certification to India."

See [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. Their website
http://bsd-india.org/ was established in 1999 and has 111

Joseph Koshy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says, "There are indian
programmers who have been working on FreeBSD since 1998."

Craig Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> who's an old-time
friend in another context (Goa's first Usenet newsgroup
soc.culture.indian.goa) had this to say, 

          I am a FreeBSD committer, and PIO (Person of Indian
          Origin), with roots in Goa.  FreeBSD is an
          open-source project which produces a very
          high-quality, rock solid, operating system. 
          FreeBSD traces its roots to some of the earliest
          Unix work done at AT&T and the University of
          California, Berkeley, and is built on solid and
          proven technology.  You can see the history of BSD


Many people from around the world and from different
backgrounds contribute to the FreeBSD project, including

* Joseph Koshy ( http://people.freebsd.org/~jkoshy/ ), in
Bangalore, contributed a Performance Measurement Framework --
--  to FreeBSD.  Joseph has also contributed other things to

* Mohan Srinivasan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> works at
Yahoo, and has contributed many fixes to the FreeBSD
networking code. FreeBSD is the primary platform that Yahoo
operates its servers on, so high performance networking code
in FreeBSD is very important to them.

          You should contact Joseph and Mohan directly, to
          get the most accurate information about their
          involvement in FreeBSD, since I might have made
          some mistakes.

          As for myself, Craig Rodrigues
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, I contribute to FreeBSD in
          different areas. For FreeBSD 6.0, I have
          contributed bugfixes to various areas of the
          FreeBSD code. For FreeBSD 7 (which has not been
          released), I am collaborating with Alexander Kabaev
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to port the high performance XFS
          filesystem to FreeBSD.

Unfortunately, we were not able to finish our work for
FreeBSD 6. XFS was originally written by SGI (Silicon
Graphics Inc.) for their IRIX operating system, but they have
ported their code to [GNU]Linux.  Alexander and I are working
to port this code to FreeBSD, and we have a project web page
at: http://people.freebsd.org/~rodrigc/xfs/


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