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Re: Uday Bhembre's roadmap to Hell
                  Part  XV
On 15/11 Jose Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<<With regard to the Caste System of India, I will
only state my 
position. You can take it or leave it. I am not
writing to any 20th or 
19th Century person, I am writing in the 21st century
to you Professor 
Borges. This is my opinion. You are welcome to
disagree with me. I personally believe that ANYBODY
who practises the Hindu Caste System is a Hindu. Full
That person, never mind his surname, church going
habits, rank in 
church etc ..... can NEVER be regarded a Catholic.  
Hey, I have known of ward-attendants practising for
many years as 
surgeons. They can NEVER be  doctors!
So also, NOBODY who practises the apartheid Caste
System of India or 
even the Apartheid system of South Africa can be
regarded...a Catholic.  
The same too wrt Pedophiles, Financial Swindlers,
Philanderers etc  
You are free to prove me wrong.>>

Dear Mr. Colaco,
Please bear in mind that you are not writing a PRIVATE
letter to a 21st century individual but a PUBLIC
letter on the internet for the information of
thousands of readers who are, in turn, entitled to
react to it.  If at all such a letter is ADDRESSED to
an individual, it is just a formality.  Therefore, “TO
WHOM” the letter is written is not important but
“ABOUT WHAT” is.   And the ABOUT WHAT here was the
situation extant in the nineteenth century; let us not
lose sight of that.
First of all, nobody asked you to state your position
on the Caste System in India; in fact, that was not
even the topic under discussion.  But I cannot stop
you from proffering your viewpoint on the topic.  That
is your right in a free country.  You state that you
personally do not practice the caste system.  Now, in
order to practice caste discrimination, one must
belong to an upper caste.  Do you?  Please provide
PROOF. Again, one must get an opportunity to practice
it.  I understand that you reside away from Goa.  Do
you get such opportunities at the place of your
domicile, wherever it is?  Please provide PROOF.
By your fatwa, you have “excommunicated” a whole lot
of people from the Catholic Church (and these,
unwittingly, include two prominent netizens, Godfrey
Gonsalves and Frederick Noronha).  Has the Catholic
Church made any rules for excommunication of persons
found guilty of committing the sins you have overtly
listed, let alone those that are concealed in “etc”? 
Have any Goans been thus excommunicated during the
last four-and-a-half centuries?  PROOFS please.
You claim to hail from Velim in Salcete.  How many
days of your life have you actually spent there?  Any
PROOF?  Are you aware that there are two confrarias in
the church of Velim?  And that the membership of these
confrarias is strictly based upon caste?  Do you know
that some years back the parish priest suggested the
membership of both the confrarias be thrown open to
any parishioner irrespective of caste and a joint
meeting of both the confrarias was called to discuss
this issue?  That one Colaco opposed the move?  That a
majority of the “confraria maior” members supported
that Colaco and the proposal was thus dropped?  That,
as a consequence of this, the members of the subaltern
confraria are conspicuous by their absence at feast
All said and done, Mr. Colaco, the PERSONAL BELIEF of
one non-resident individual, however sanctimonious,
does not change the ground reality as it exists today
or has been in existence in the nineteenth century as
Please ruminate on this.  I shall come back to you
regarding the remaining issues.  Until then, my best

S. M. Borges

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