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Hello again Joe, Cypriano and goanetters.....

Ah!  yes, i have been trying to teach my little girl (one year 10 months 
old) this "Bebo" children's song..........but the first stanza is about 
the Black Crow........excuse my romi konkani (lest it becomes an issue on 
goanet).......goes like this.........

Kallo kitt kanvllo
Zallar evun boslo (2)
Hanvem mhunttlem 
Kanvllea Kanvllea 
Khuim re tuzo ganv? (2)
Uddun Uddun Kanvllean mhunttlem 
Kanv Kanv Kanv (2)

and with actions to accompany the song it makes it really really 

I was also wondering why the Akashwani Panjim Kendre refrain from relaying 
these oldies now?  Can't they shake off the dust from their Archives and 
come out with a programme on FM (which currently has a fan following) on 
the lines of "Goenkarachim sobit geetam" or something like that!  i'm sure 
it will be a definite "hit" with all and sundry! 

Any one from the Department on goanet?  Please make a note!


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