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Almost 13 years after Liberation of Goa the then Maharashtrawadi Gomantak 
Party MGP Government under its second Chief Minister Ms Sashikala Kakodkar, 
realized that rampant illegal structures, haphazard development activity 
engulfed the port area then a town (now a city with an A class Municipality 
comprising Vasco-da Gama and Mormugao) of Mormugao Taluka.. The economic 
activities at the natural harbour promoted this unplanned growth which 
appeared to become an eye sore on the Goa landscape.

It therefore brought about a bill "The Goa Daman & Diu Town and Country Act 
1974" with a view to "regulate development for a better living environment" in 
tune with the natural ingredients that constituted this tiny territory almost 
the size of a district in the rest of the country. The role of this TCP 
Department was meant to be merely of an advisory nature. The Planning 
Development authorities were intended to supervise the Outer Development Plans 
or the Comprehensive Development Plans for each planning area.

When the Bill was introduced, albeit with sacred intentions, it was clear from 
the ensuing debate in the Goa Legislative Assembly, which lasted for only 
three days towards the close of the session i.e on 26th 30th September, 1974 
and 1st October, 1974 and the hurried manner with which it was passed assented 
and notified on 22.11.1975 by Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane then the Law Minister 
in the MGP and now the present Chief Minister of Goa heading the Indian 
National Congress led MGP and Nationalist Congress Party coalition., that 
there were "other considerations" that expedited its enactment. 

Mr Ramakant Khalap of the then MGP and now INC ex MLA, too was a party to this 
enactment. It was assented and notified in the Official Gazette dated 
22.11.1975. The 142 provisions in the Act was a near facsimile print of the 
Maharashtra Regional Town and Country Planning Act 1966., and was  expected  
to wipe out the illegalities in development which not only included Building 
activity as is commonly believed but had schemes for Traffic and 
Transportation Plan, Plans for areas around Railways etc and other change of 
land use and zoning etc.

Interestingly many of those that were in the Opposition side viz; Mr Roque 
Santan Fernandes MLA, Mr Eduardo Faleiro then MLA were apprehensive that this 
piece of legislation needed to be referred to the Select Committee where both 
the ruling and opposition members would get enough time to debate on the pros 
and cons of this piece of legislation taking the public into confidence.

Later with similar intentions the INC Government led by Mr Pratapsing Raoji 
Rane as Chief Minister and head of the Town & Country Planning Board decided 
to prepare a Regional Plan 2001 so that Goa would be ready for the present 
century in tune with the population increase projections.

Therefore keeping the scarce land resources available ie of the 3656 km2 of 
land just 0.36 Ha were available for development with the rest as mining 
forest cover/natural cover etc The surface utilization plan ---was a guideline 
to planers, to ensure that the development was in harmony with nature’s gift 
and maintaing a match with the social economic and physical complexion of 
territory. Thus after a complete survey plans drawn etc  The Town & Country 
Planning Board approved the same in 1981, notified it in 1982 after it was 
discussed in the specially convened gram sabhas of village Panchayats the 
suggestions objections were examined considered by the Government and then 
notified on 11th December, 1986 .

With this the entire 11 talukas of Goa (two of Daman and Diu) was divide into 
three broad categories a) the Coastal Talukas b) the Midland Talukas c) the 
Ghat Talukas.

Given the 101 kms of coastline with its white sands and the fact that the 
Portuguese conquests were restricted to the Velhas Conquistas from 1510 to 
1961 (451 years) the demographic composition of the Coastal Talukas population 
density comprised of nearly 52 % of the total population then at just 11 lakhs 
in 1981 . In fact this region of Coastal Taluka forms the picture postcard of 
Goa in the minds of the people in the rest of the country and the world as 
being a region depicting the rich blend of east meets the west. Hence 
development activity is extensive and scarce land is being sold to the highest 

The other regions came under the Portuguese rulers only post 1763. 
Unfortunately the Midland Talukas and the Central Talukas remained 
underdeveloped essentially because their historical and social background was 
not influenced by the east and west syndrome  though it could well earn the 
billing of a "Kashi of the South" since recent times given the hoary 
Inquisition the demographic composition of this part which is marginally less 
developed than the coastal talukas and hence remained underdeveloped.

Mining activity was another reason which led to the neglect and impoverishment 
of this area. Incidentally even the major industries are located in the 
coastal areas with a slight shift to the midland talukas in the 90"s.

The Regional Plan 2001 therefore had defined on a scale of 1:25,000 (as that 
was the only plan then available with the Government of India of all the 
Talukas in Goa) a) Settlement Zone - which comprised of residential commercial 
institutional recreational cottage & service , industrial open spaces play 
grounds and no development above a slope of 20% for ecological reasons; b) 
Industrial Estate /areas - where small scale and medium scale industries were 
permitted and a tolerance basically for non polluting areas , c) the Orchard 
areas were sloping lands below a slope of 33% and meant for cultivation of 
fruit bearing trees etc d) Natural cover /Forest here only Government forests 
were zoned leaving private forests in Natural cover and e) Social Forestry 
intended to maintain forest cover for ecological reasons. f) Mining areas

This was the broad parameters on which spatial development keeping the social 
physical and economic development was to enhance the quality of life in the 

Therefore the TCP Act 1974 rightly imposed section 17 ----Revision of Regional 
Plan which had postulated that " If the Government at any time after a 
Regional Plan has been published in the Official Gazette, but not earlier then 
FIVE YEARS is of the opinion that a Revision of the Regional Plan is necessary 
it may direct the Chief Town Planner to undertake the revision of the Regional 
Plan ------."

It is therefore clear that the basic feature of the Regional Plan which took 
nearly six years for planning and implementation (incidentally the present 
incumbent Chief Town Planner Mr Morad Ahmed was a Junior Town Planner who is 
credited to have assisted in the formulation of the first Regional Plan 2001 ) 
only in the Silver Jubilee year of Goa’s Liberation could not be tampered with 
before 1986 - 1991.

However keeping the extensive economic development in the coastal talukas and 
ironically the majority of the ruling party politician nearly 25 out of 40 
members in the Goa Legsilative Assembly come from these coastal talukas and 
the Banks are glut with deposits from NRIs nearly 4000 crores,  political 
expediency invariably outweighed social considerations and in March 1988 
following an amendment the period of "five years" was deleted. An act to the 
credit of the INC Government, under Mr Rane’s stewardship. (He holds the 
record of being the  second longest serving CM in India next to then CM Mr J B 
Patnaik of Orrisa.)

While one could agree that with the emerging pace of development  the five 
years, period could act as an embargo, now that one can involve the private 
sector for development activity through the " Build Operate and Transfer " BOT 
policy instead of waiting for the Budgeted funds from the State or the Central 
coffers; (just as the Konkan Railway was put in place which otherwise would 
have taken a quarter of a century ); if one sits back and analysis the 
developments, is it not lopsided? one would ask Where then is the concept of 
the Regional Plan 2001 the TCP Act 1974. and the Planning Development 
Authority bodies which were put in place in the early 1980s.

Look at the cutting of hills, filling up of land, agricultural land left 
fallow and later used for commercial purposes, the traffic congestions the 
spate of "nagars" shanties with migrant labour living in filth and squalor 
sprouting up in every village on hill tops, the garbage menance, the 
industrial activity, grazing lands being usurped the polluting industries 
setting shop, the mining pollution threatening our rivers agriculture land, 
the petroleum pollution in the densely polluted towns, besides the pollution 
of water bodies springs wells rivers, closing of wells, the route of the 
Konkan Railway which now meanders along the broadguage Southern Railway in the 
densely populated coastal area,  instead of 21 kms moving into the hinterland 
midland talukas which could have resulted in development of these midland and 
ghat areas and help transportation in the mining areas.

Is the Government not the biggest violators of usurping the agriculture land 
for non development activity.  Has it not assumed landlordism over the 
Communidades when these self governing bodies which were vested with 
independent economic judicial social powers by the Portuguese as late as 1961 
vide the Diploma Legislativo No 2070  of 15.4.1961 etc all point a finger at 
the lopsided developments which are a result of the deletion of the five year 
embargo.owing to political expediency and the failure of implementing the 
Abolition of Proprietorship enactment after Liberation to allow the 
Communidades or pre Portuguese village republics gaunkaries which provided 
land for all purposes including agriculture grazing lands utility services for 
the commune and the gaunkars indigenous people being the main constituent of 
these bodies now just 223 left.?

Worse what the Regional Plan had contemplated in section 17 was a mere 
REVISION of the regional plan restricting to major changes in settlement 
indusctrial etc or vice versa But contrary to the sacred intentions of the TCP 
Act the Government through the  successive Minister for Town and Country 
Planning since 1988 to date 2005 who also invariably heads the TCP Board 
whetted such over 935 applications for requests for "change of use/zoning" and 
hence corruption set in, thus "amending /altering" the regional plan.

Interestingly also there is a clause 39 Alteration of Development Plan and 
making of minor changes which provide for changes to the Outer Development 
Plans or the Comprehensive Development Plans but this too was after 10 years 
from the notifying of the ODP or the CDP and this was too be done only in 
public interest after giving sufficient notice to the public to raise 
objections if any. Any change was to be considered within 60 days. Now this 
period has also been reduced to seven years or so.

That the real estate industry constitutes a strong lobby and could dictate 
terms to the Government  is evident from the fact that the TCP portfolio held 
the highest stakes in portfolio allotment by the successive incumbent 
governments and their Chief Ministerial protégé. Even the TCP Board and the 
PDA’s are packed with political appointees the staff is also minimal many of 
the personnel have their own business or assist Building firms paying scant 
regard to employment norms.

The courts are plagued with TCP and PDA violations and cases move up and down 
from trial courts to the highest court.

contd------- part two

Godfrey J I Gonsalves 
Borda Margao Goa

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