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> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of the
> left wing community.
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It must be pretty miserable for you to feel this
> sense of frustration that you cannot get rid of 60% 
> of the people of the United States and almost the 
> entire population of the rest of the world, even 
> though you regard them as supporters of mass 
> murderers and terrorists. 
Mario replies:
I think Santosh lives in the US, which suggests he
should know something about the US.  So, what are we
to make of his insinuation above that 60% of Americans
are left wing, as well as the entire population of the
rest of the world?  George Bush would have been
elected and re-elected after the liberation of Iraq if
that were so.  The entire UN would not have passed 17
resolutions over 12 years demanding an accounting of
Iraq's WMDs and imposing crippling economic sanctions
if that were so.  So, Santosh is obviously wrong.
What I am frustrated about is why normally intelligent
people would sympathize with the most brutal
dictatorship in recent history, that of Saddam
Hussein, and so vehemently oppose freedom and
democracy for the Iraqi people, as Santosh and the
entire left wing around the world do.  Fortunately
there are others who saw what had to be done to help
free the Iraqi people and are doing it.
Santosh writes:
> But I still cannot figure out why you are reluctant
> to admit that Saddam Hussein has a deranged criminal
> mind.
Mario replies:
Because I don't know that he has a deranged criminal
mind, which is the excuse that YOU have come up with
to suit your own irrelevent theories.

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