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Off-topic for Goanet... but of close relevance to Goa. FN

Three Decades After Last Colonial Empire Came to an End
Mario de Queiroz 

LISBON, Nov 23 (IPS) - The 30th anniversary of Angola's independence,
commemorated this month, also marked the same period of time since
nearly six centuries of European colonialism in Africa came to an end. 

As in Asia, it was the Portuguese who initiated the long era of
colonialism in Africa, on Aug. 21, 1415, when Henry the Navigator's
fleet landed at what is today the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in
modern-day Morocco. 

A total of 560 years passed before Portugal pulled out of its colonies.
On Nov. 11, 1975, then governor of Angola Admiral Antonio D'Alva Rosa
Coutinho, a member of the Armed Forces Movement, handed over the reins
of power to independence leader Agostinho Neto, the first president of
Angola, which was the last European colony in Africa. 

Known as the "red admiral", Rosa Coutinho, who one year earlier had
taken part in the revolt staged by a group of left-wing junior officers
- the "captains of April" who overthrew Portugal's 1926-1974
dictatorship - was one of the main proponents of the decolonisation of
Portugal's dying empire. 

In 1974, Lisbon recognised the independence of Guinea Bissau,
unilaterally declared a year earlier and recognised by 47 countries. And
between June and September 1975, Mozambique, Cape Verde and Sao Tomé and
Príncipe won their independence. Two months later, Angola followed

In Africa today there are "dependent territories" not formally
considered European colonies, such as the Canary Islands and Ceuta and
Melilla, which are under Spanish control; Madeira, administered by
Portugal; the French overseas territories of Mayotte and Reunion
islands; and Britain's Saint Helena. 

Reserve Colonel Vasco Lourenço, who was a central figure in the Armed
Forces Movement, told IPS that "the independence of the former
Portuguese colonies had important repercussions" because it represented
the end of the last colonial empire. 

But "obviously not everything has been wonderful in the new independent
countries," said Lourenço, who was a captain and a member of the Council
of the Revolution when he assumed control of the Lisbon military region
in 1975. 

That "is only natural, because you could say the life of these nations
is just beginning, with the difficulties entailed in having been victims
of civil wars that were clearly provoked and influenced by foreign
interventions, despite which these countries have increasingly staked
out a place for themselves in the international community, especially
Angola," he added. 

According to Lourenço, Angola and Mozambique "had a strong influence on
the independence of (the former Portuguese colony) of East Timor" and on
the end of the racist apartheid system in South Africa in 1994. 

East Timor, located between Australia and Indonesia in the Pacific
Ocean, became independent in May 2002, after a quarter-century
occupation by Indonesia during which one-third of the population of
680,000 was killed. 

The colonel also said the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries
(CPLP) would play "an important role for the future of humanity." 

The CPLP, which is made up of Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau,
Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tomé and Príncipe, and East Timor, was founded
in 1996 on the initiative of former Brazilian minister of culture José
Aparecido de Olivera, with the support of then presidents Itamar Franco
of Brazil and Mario Soares of Portugal. 

Thirty years after achieving independence, the former Portuguese
colonies in Africa, and Angola in particular, remain heavily dependent
on Portuguese foreign aid and investment, and are countries of strong
contrasts, with vast social and economic differences, largely the result
of civil wars or palace coups. 

Four decades of war - the 1961-1975 war of independence followed by the
1975-2002 civil war - left Angola in ruins, with little infrastructure
still intact and severe social problems. 

Luanda, the capital, is now home to four million people, a full
one-third of the population of Angola, with everything that implies in
terms of unemployment and subsistence in a city that was not prepared to
house, or provide jobs for, so many people. 

But despite the lack of public security and the fact that the cost of
living in Angola is among the highest in Africa, according to the Lisbon
newspaper Diario de Noticias, the influx of foreign investment into
Angola is larger than ever before. 

That is due to the enormous oil wealth of a country that is now
producing more than two billion barrels of oil a day, at a time when
international prices are soaring and when it seems that the country's
output could double within the next five years. 

That would put Angola at the centre of one of the largest inflows of
revenues that Africa has seen in its independent history, which dates
back half a century in the case of most countries on the continent. 

Projections by oil market experts cited by Diario de Noticias indicate
that the oil exports of Angola, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Chad and joint ventures in the Gulf of Guinea could generate total
revenues of 349 billion dollars by 2019. 

Among those most interested in the role that Angola could play in that
future flow of black gold would seem to be China, which recently opened
up a two billion dollar credit line aimed at rebuilding Angola's

For foreign investors, who are interested in telecommunications, the
banking sector, civil construction works, tourism, agriculture and
industry, Angola's attractive economic growth figures, estimated by
independent experts at 14.7 percent this year and projected to reach as
high as 27 percent next year, are irresistible. 

The dark side of the coin is that the end of the civil war and the
current high levels of economic growth have failed to improve living
conditions for the two-thirds of Angola's nearly 13 million people who
survive on less than two dollars a day and have access to neither clean
water nor health care. 

Nearly four years after the death in combat of rebel leader Jonas
Savimbi, the president of the United Front for the Total Independence of
Angola (UNITA), the promises of the government of José Eduardo dos
Santos that everything would change with the end of the war have gone
unfulfilled in this country that is not only rich in oil, but in
diamonds, coffee and water as well. 

Although the country has the resources to feed 50 million people,
conditions remain desperate. Angola ranks 160th on the Human Development
Index drawn up by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and
is still among the most corrupt countries in the world, according to the
anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International. 

Shortly before his death in 1979, Agostinho Neto, the father of Angolan
independence, predicted what would occur in the continent, telling the
15th summit of heads of state and government of the Organisation of
African Unity that "Today Africa is like a motionless body, and every
carrion vulture is anxious to tear out a piece of that body." 

Given that grim outlook, IPS asked two writers and journalists from
former Portuguese colonies in Africa, Vladimir Monteiro from Cape Verde
and Jõao Carlos from Sao Tomé and Príncipe, to comment on what
independence has meant. 

Monteiro said that "today in Cape Verde, one of the five African
countries that achieved independence in 1975, people are no longer so
sure of the advantages of emancipation, and some wonder why a referendum
was not held that year to ask the people whether they wanted to maintain
their ties with Portugal." 

That position "is explainable today by purely economic reasons. These
are people who see in that alternative the possibility of having a
Portuguese passport to move around the European Union," he added. 

But in 1975, "there was a need for that independence, which allowed Cape
Verdeans to define their identify. For example, the international
success of their music and the rest of the progress they have made were
successful thanks to independence," said the writer. 

On the other hand, Carlos deplored the fact that Portugal "handed over
power to the new leaders of the countries in Africa that were demanding
their sovereignty without having clear plans for creating the minimal
conditions necessary for assuming the leadership of the new states with
a vision of the future and a blueprint for the organisation and growth
of their respective societies." 

Independence "signified at the time a clear victory, liberation from the
colonial yoke, a necessary distancing from the colonising power," said
Carlos. But "Thirty years on, there is a clear perception of the errors
committed in the process of the transfer of power to the nationalists,"
he added. 

"With the adoption of democratic regimes that replaced monolithic
Marxist-Leninist socialist systems, there is once again a perception
that winning independence was worth it, because the errors of the past,
the political experience that has been acquired, the experience of
democracy, and the challenges of an increasingly globalised world can
spur Africa's leadership to face the future of their countries with
another vision," said Carlos. 

In his view, Africa as a whole "has the possibility of carving out a
bigger space for itself on the global scene, if the spirit that
prevailed in the struggle for independence is kept alive, thinking about
the progress of everyone rather than about satisfying the interests of
particular groups." (END/2005) 

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