|              Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE                 |
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|      by visiting this link and following the instructions therein      |
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Thanks  Miguel for giving us the dope on these paranoid individuals who oppose 
the Heriitage Fesitival at Fontainhas. The Portuguese left Goa over 40 years 
ago, booted out, Finit, and some of thes folks are still tilting at windmills. 
If we want to get rid of foreign influences, lets start with the Aryans who 
brought a foreign religion Hinduism and Casteeism into India and Goa, the 
Greek  influence, the Iranian influence, the Afghan influence, the Islamic 
influence.  Let stop writing and conversing in English and Hindi and revert to 
whatever language our forebears spoke. Let us stop wearing Western clothes and 
revert to the Cashti.  Let's get rid of all the foreign names still being used 
in India, like Connaught Place in Delhi, Dalhousie etc. What a bunch of idiots 
we have amongst us.  We cannot erase history.  The Portuguese are not coming 
back even if we begged them.  Their presence amongst us over 450 years 
enriched our culture and made Goa an attractive place for tourists to visit. 
Let us give up our computers and our cars and two wheelers for surely they 
were invented in foreign countries and revert to our revered "bhoil ghaddi".   
Lets get rid of all the religions currently being practiced in Goa as they are 
all of foreign origin, and revert to  the religion of our forebears.  I did 
not live under Portuguese rule in Goa and have no special affinity for the 
Portuguese, but enough is enough, when are we going to wake up and become 
mature and accept history for what it is ?

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