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These days the news is all about the melodramatic stand taken by Churchill
Alemao who has put his political future on the line by threatening to quit
the Congress party if GOG does not stop work on the Mopa airport project.

It may be useful to get some perspective on this matter by recalling some
earlier airport controversies in India and abroad. People may vaguely
recollect that years ago when it was proposed to upgrade Trivandrum airport
in Kerala into an international facility due to the surge in Gulf-Kerala
traffic the folks in Bombay airport did not take too kindly to this prospect
of being bypassed by direct Gulf-Trivandrum flights. It was many many years
before  the upgrade could be effected. Now Kerala has three international
airports (at Kochi and Calicut besides Trivandrum) and is planning not only
for a fourth one (at Kannur) but is also toying with the idea of launching
an airline to cater to the Gulf traffic of its expatriates.

A few years ago, however, Hong Kong's legendary airport Kai Tak closed down
without a fight when the ultra modern Chek Lap Kok was commissioned together
with new high speed surface transport links to its more distant location.
Currently, all eyes are on Bangkok's Don Meung airport as progress is made
in commissioning the brand new Suvarnabhumi airport which is also further
away compared to the existing airport. Low cost carriers are reportedly
insisting that Don Meung should continue to operate for the benefit of
budget air travellers. A decision is awaited with bated breath.

The original actors in this kind of drama were the authorities of Dallas who
along with giant American Airlines were intent on consolidating traffic at
the brand new Dallas Fort Worth International airport in the early 1970s.
However, fledgling Southwest Airlines fought to continue at close-in Love
Field in pursuance of its pioneering low cost strategy. During the airline
deregulation era of the late 1970s, American Airlines successfully lobbied a
senator to introduce legislation to prevent direct flights from Love Field
to other destinations except a few. Southwest Airlines continues to operate
from Love Field inspite of this long standing hurdle (by issuing fresh
tickets at the prohibited places!)

So the kind of soap opera we are seeing over Mopa is nothing new, really.
In India it seems to be centred so far around civil enclaves and greenfield
airports. But as I said earlier it is the average citizen who suffers due to
all the delays and cost overruns.

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