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Goan Dreams and Penguin Kisses

By V. M. de Malar

She's a real-life hometown hero,  a fiercely loyal daughter of Verna who
studied entirely in Goan schools before heading off in pursuit of
scientific excellence.  Here, we're taking down the bright lights of
IFFI and turning into the peak of high season.  Meanwhile,  Dr. Helga do
Rosario Gomes is aboard an icebreaking ship near Antarctica, surrounded
by giant ice floes and penguins, and the apparatus of a world-class
scientific expedition.

She corresponded with us by e-mail, you can get exciting updates from
her illustrated online diary (or blog) at

Early on, the going was rough. Helga wrote, "conversation in the dining
hall is monosyllabic. Seems like everyone is on a bad date! All around
us is debris of ice, monster chunks which our ship has overturned... I
feel we are not on this planet. The horizon is almost invisible and the
24 hour blinding light scatters off the white ice and makes it look like
we are under giant floodlights."

But things have improved, the blog reports that the scientists had even
set up a party this weekend.  "Much coveted beer was set up on the
ice.... but as we disembarked everyone except a few diehard alcohol
lovers lost interest. For there, almost within touching distance, was a
huge group of Emperor penguins watching us curiously."

The scientists are strictly forbidden to touch fauna, but not the other
way around. So, Dr. Gomes writes, all these high-powered researchers lay
down on ice like Sleeping Beauty, and "for the rest of the night the
Emperors toyed with our hearts, coming real close to us while we lay
immobile and freezing on the ice, and just when we thought we would wake
up as princes/princesses they would lose interest and walk away. No one
got a kiss."

Serious scientific work is rather removed from the realm of fairy tales,
but it's hard to resist the homegrown charm and happy endings in Dr.
Gomes's story, which comes complete with a Goan hero who looks
suspiciously like Errol Flynn by her side. Her husband, the improbably
dashing and world-reputed scientist Dr. Joaquim Goes, is team leader on
this expedition.

Their groundbreaking research on the impact of ultraviolet light on
marine phytoplankton has profound global implications, especially in
understanding the impact of the continuing depletion of the ozone

Our intrepid Goan duo has engaged in this critical research for years,
they've attracted funding from the leading scientific agencies in the
world including NASA and the prestigious National Science Foundation of
the USA.

Even with all that,  even isolated in the frozen ocean under a midnight
sun, Dr. Gomes writes that "there's never a day when Goa is not in my
mind" and quotes an African proverb,  "every man has a map in his heart
of his own country, and the heart will never allow you to forget this

The compass of the true Goan soul always points home,  and this brave
daughter of our soil doesn't hesitate to give credit to the roots that
have nourished her growth. "Goa has contributed to everything I am and
would like to be," she says, "and my ties to the village, my friends and
my relatives in Goa have given me a safety net."

Dr. Gomes has demonstrated by example that we in Goa are perfectly
capable of the highest achievements.  She writes, "there is nothing in
our culture..to prevent us from being world class achievers. We
shouldn't believe or teach our kids that parochialism, communalism, or
the caste structure, can prevent us from giving our best."

But she also sees a worrying dark cloud on the horizon for future
generations of our community, warning us about the increasing likelihood
that "young Goans will inherit a troubled Goa of severe environmental
destruction and blatant corruption."

Anyway, some time in the coming weeks, a car will turn into the old
Verna road and there will be an eager, perhaps slightly frozen-looking,
face carefully checking the old neighborhood for changes. All that
forbidding ice and those fickle penguins left far behind; Dr. Helga do
Rosario Gomes will be home again.

Till that happy moment,  our thoughts and prayers go with her into
that frozen frontier. We're rooting for you, Helga, stay warm.

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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