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The navy will be out of Dabolim, sooner then you think! A concerted effort and a sustained agitation must be made.

First to stop procuring land at and around Mopa; and giving back the land already acquired.

Secondly to allow Sindhudurg authorities to go ahead with their own airport project, if they need one and if its viable.

The Navy nust be reminded that they are to act only under Civilian Govt guidelines and orders. India is not a military dictatorship. The Govts. at the Centre and in Goa. must tell the Navy so, in plain and unmistakable terms. Giving adequate funds to the Navy to relocate , and stern instructions from the Centre should do the trick. The 'Sea Bird' has been under construction and at great cost for so many years now; and that is where the Navy Air Wing belongs. We should not mind the rest of the Navy continuing in Vasco / Chicalim. Its only the Dabolim area that they "HAVE TO VACATE" and NOW! They have a lot of choice when deciding to do that. ANYWHERE BUT DABOLIM for the Navy, should be our refrain.

Incidentally, even with the present arrangement of time sharing, all the present day traffic can be accommodated. Its is the future rising demand that calls for the Navy to vacate Dabolim which they are illegally occupying, any way. And the Navy is earning huge profits by doing so. They should plough back all of this profit to the civilian authority.

Dabolim can then be constructed to an 'State Of The Art' International (and domestic) Airport, with much less money then is being thought of, for Mopa which does not benefit all of Goa. Above all, this upgrading in terminal and other facilities can be done in as many months as it would take years to do Mopa.

I hope the above aanswers your concerns and that of all the Mopa supporters; who are mainly political; Technically, logistically and geographically, Dabolim is the best venue for any airport in Goa. Ramakant Khalap in his recent statements is showing that his support for Mopa is purely political fishing; no reasons technical or logistic given. Some persons are born with 'Thick Brains'; You see. We, all Goans, have to enlighten some or these persons, and win them over. Over to You, Avelino. Let us all of Goa, be one in this fight for our livelihood.

Naasci Caldeira.

From: "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@goanet.org>


It's you who are wrong!  Please tell us how you are going to get the
Navy out of Dabolim!  Looks like begging for extra landing slots time
and again is something you find exciting and thrilling!

Goa needs a modern airport not a rundown, time-sharing,
eager-to-close-shop at the break of any hostilities entry point.


How much more "WRONG' can YOU be; when U try to read Thomas and put in
own bias!
Mea Culpa!

Nasci Caldeira

>From: "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: RE: [Goanet] RE:Goanet Reader: REDO DABOLIM,UNDO MOPA (Valmiki

>Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 09:02:41 +0300
>Philip Thomas wrote:
Why do I have this strange feeling that when it comes to the Navy the
author only has a vague hocus pocus type suggestion wrapped in a lot of
jiggery pokery while the state govt is told specifically to "stop land
Why cant the Navy be told equally specifically to stop military flight
training at Dabolim so that slots can be increased manifold? The we
might actually get somewhere on this issue in Goa.

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