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Was Leanordo da Caprio qualified?

I am sure Cecil means Leonardo da Vinci in his message on the subject. Da Vinci was the great exemplary renaissance man: painter, sculptor, mathematician, anatomist, musician and scientist. He was also considered as a hydraulic and mechanical engineer and is famous for his masterly paintings, such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Caprio is the Hollywood actor who broke hundreds of thousands of hearts in the 1997 film 'Titanic'.

Just reproducing a confusion like this that ocurred at an Art Exhibition:

Three young girls gawked at the portrait of Leonardo da Vinci while their father took pictures.

Jacqueline, 11, said of Leonardo: "He's the one who painted 'The Last Supper."

Her little sister, Meghan, 7, quickly corrected her: "No, that was Leonardo di Caprio."

Maybe Cecil means Leonardo di Caprio after all, ‘coz Leonardo da Vinci was certainly educated and even wrote books. I am not sure about Leonardo da Caprio though. Anyway, actors, politicians, and writers on net forums don't need much education to be qualified, expert analysts over any airy-fairy, argy-bargy subjects.

All in good cheer!

-gasper crasto


Researchers and laymen
Thu Dec 8 08:54:49 PST 2005
Santosh Helekar wrote:
My view is research is best left to qualified
researchers. People who are not schooled and trained
in it should not attempt to masquerade as experts, and
dispense their opinions willy-nilly. They end up
mucking up the state of understanding in any field
i.e. if unsuspecting lay folk take them seriously. In
the present case I submit that Gilbert is revising
what is known about de Orta, and also what is known
about the inquisition. Please note that Gilbert did
not tell us that de Orta's sister was burned at the
stake, and gave us his own speculative reasons for the
disinterment and burning of his bones several years
after his death.

Dear Santosh,

I take great objection to your objections. Please note that:

1) Throughout history the most outstanding research findings have been made
by people who are technically speaking not 'qualified' researchers. Was
Galileo qualified? Ok forget him. Issac Newton? Ok! Ok! Forget Newton. Was
Leanordo da Caprio qualified?

2) Gilbert Lawrence is giving us his interpretation of history which,
unlike ayurveda or para-psychology, is an imperfect social science. All of
history is interpretation and is re-interpreted in light of newer
discoveries or subjective fact manipulation. Gilbert Lawrence's
interpretation is as valid as any other - specially since he backing it up
with fiction that makes it eminently readable. His qualifications as a
researcher are not in question here. One doesn't become a renowned
tumorologist, and much in demand after-dinner speaker, without some
elementary knowledge of research.

3) Gilbert Lawrence has written two books which he has self published. He
has surely sold a lot of copies and continues to sell. How many fiction
books have you written Santosh? Who published them? Who reads them? And you
have the gall to question Gilbert's qualifications?! In fact Gilbert's
first book is used as a reference journal in many Writers' Courses:
Plagiarism 101 - Pitfalls of Not Providing Bibliography or References or
Due Credit.

4) Gilbert Lawrence gives lectures and presentation on Goan and Indian
history and culture at prestigious schools in the USA. You think the rave
reviews, that he humbly shares with us, would have been possible if he did
not do due diligence in his research? Do you think junior high school
students in the USA can't see falsified research when they see it?

5) Your patronising attitude to us 'lay folk' is unhealthy. Just because
some people have no logic in their writing does not mean the rest of us
simple folks will swallow everything unsuspectingly. We can always cross
check with Veronica Fernandes.

6) I don't think vulgar language like 'willy-nilly' is called for on this
forum even when referring to Gilbert's dispensations.




* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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