The late Shri Dayanand Bandodkar of the Maharashtra Gomantak Party (MGP) ruled Goa for a decade from 1963 to 1973. After his demise, his daughter Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar took over the reins and she provided a stable government for about seven years. She lost power when the MGP was defeated in 1979 elections, when the United Goans Party (UGP) merged with the Congress (I) Party and helped it form the first Congress Government in Goa! The switch over marked the beginning of ‘the tournament of politics’ and ‘engineered defections’ in Goa, which unfortunately continues to date. The way things are going on now, it looks as though there may be another final soon, and this time the contest could be between the North and the South over tourism!

Post-liberation, if there was any alternative opposition outside the Goa Legislative Assembly, it was the trio - Conception-Nelson-Anthony! Every political party feared them “karann te soglleank tastalet” (because they shaved off everybody!) They sang trios dressed in loose-fit bright-red shirts – an indication that they were as or more dangerous than red color!

The following trio was sung after Sidarth Bandodkar was mysteriously shot at midnight at his sister’s (Shashikala’s) residence at Altinho while she was in power, and when she began to court with Indira Gandhi at the Center after she lost the 1979 elections. The MGP slogan while in power was: “Hath mhunnchem gath, MG-chi dorat patt” (Hand means treachery, follow the MG party). Anthony, in the second Chorus of the trio rightly questions Shashikala: “Atam to hath sang gho tum kiteak lenvta”? (Tell us why you are licking that hand now?) It is disgusting to witness a candidate patronize a party which he/she has hated throughout his/her lifetime; no wonder, Shashikala got lost into the oblivion! When defectors approach you to vote for them, reject them; let them go to hell!

Those who did not witness the “ostad” (antagonist) trio on the stage, the following lyrics of the song “Porvorechi Mummy” sung in a tiatro in Mapusa in 1980 will give an idea of the trio’s might with which they publicly criticized individuals and shook various governments in Goa. They were just superb - open and blunt! Here are the lyrics of the song:

“PORVORECHI MUMMY” by the trio - Conception-Nelson-Anthony

Legend:  Conception = C; Anthony = A; Nelson = N

C:      Tegainim ami tharailelem motin, anik trio mhunnchenum mhunn tambdde 
N: Hem danger signal vaitt, hem ghalun zaiteank dilam fight, chintlelem dhobiak
        ghalun tem dovrunk mhunn kuxin
A:      Punn ghalchench poddlem, batmi pavon hi hathin, ti aikon Goyem ek partid
        poddla khontin
        Ottra vorsanchem toddun golleantlem xinvachem bentin, Delhik pavli khuim
        Porvorechi santin.

C:      Xaranim ghoranim, carranim barranim, aiz vochot thuimsor ho bobav poddla
N:      Anjeachea rupan, lok mhunntat kallzan ghevn chikan, soitan vochon 
A: Meli mhunn tayi, eklo duknar sonvta gayi, ragan battli bhor pivon boroch bhorla
        Konn mhunntta bhavak marlolo far apleak bhogsonk zai mhunnon, casador
        Congress pokxean bhitor sorla

C: Pratapsingh Muki Montri put tum xanno, zuzari put tum Paklo punn tum ranno
N:      Xanneponn uzar kor, tea casadorak sintid dhor, tumkaim nanch korit ticho
        adinch modd konno
A: Kaidea Montri torno rosroxit tum chonno, to devchar koslea xingacho tem tum
Zatye bab, tonddak rupnnem ghalun, bhitorlean tuka porot mevonk ieta khuim re
        saddiecho mono

C: Hath mhunnchem gath, MG-chi dorat patt, pattlim utram tujim hea monan govta
N:      Kovoto moddla, dekun Sequeiran soddla, atam to Babu Naik ghevn bonvta
A:      Porvorechea manam, vainguim bandinaka kanank, atam to hath sang gho tum
        kiteak lenvta?
        Tuvem MG party konnank sangon foddlea kai vincharunk, Moddkoi
        lok hathik tel lavn bonvta

C:      Goa, Damao, Diu, bangarachem toem, ottra vorsanchem oddlem tujer kaem
N: Tem kaem dor toddun, amdar nivllun haddun, aiz putanim tujea tuka rup dilam
A: Poir potrar vachun, porjen tondd kelem kaem, Vengurla, Malvann tenkovn vhodd
        kortat mhunn Goyem
        Lokacheachi as soddat, amchem assam tem ghott dorat, tem amkam morosor
        puro jevnk halovn paem

C:      Budhvont putanim, Goyem dilam tumchea hathanim, bulxeat sangta mhunnon
        Porvorechi mummy
N: Opinion Poll that is our whole and sole, tetun kaim zavnk zainam subeij, komi A: Soglle porjechea navan, aiz hea Mapxenchea ganvan, tegui palkar than tumkaim
        sangtanv ami
        Goyenche bhuem voilo ek fator zala mhunn aikot tor komi, zalear magir
        tumchem samballat tumi

From Dom’s antique shelf,

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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