Baga goes ballistic!
Jamal Shaikh 
Saturday, December 17, 2005  18:50 IST

GOA: Baga Beach has been transformed into a sea of colour and festivity
this weekend as Day 2 of Vijay Mallya's mega 50th birthday celebrations.
Baga's most popular shacks - Zanzibar and Cecil - have been taken over
for a 'lunch to sunset beach party', while Goa's most famous nightspot,
Mambo's, transformed into an all-day-all-night party place - with a
special red-carpet entry.

The most impressive sight? Dr Vijay Mallya's pristine white yacht
anchored just off the beach.  Around 2 pm, a couple of hours after the
festivities kicked in, guests began a slow trickle as many of them got
off their flights and headed straight for the party. Suketu Shah was
seen getting himself a relaxing massage while Raja Dhody wasted no time
in getting off his white kurta and into more a appropriate vest instead.

The more sporty guests headed for parasailing, banana dunks and water
scooters. Every motor boat and water scooter on Baga has been booked by
Kingfisher. As the Kingfisher helicopter hovered over the yacht early
afternoon, guests figured it was Dr Mallya making sure the party was in
order. Others felt he was already on his yacht - anchored about 50
meters offshore - and would make his grand entry soon. 

He finally arrived at 4:30 pm dressed in a white sleeveless tee, white
shorts, and a red Kingfisher cap.

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