Hi Fred,
Gilbert's brief post on the recent inter-racial riots in Australia, which now has a growing Goan population, prompted me to do two things: a) provide a brief commentary about and akin to the situation, and b) attach an article I wrote and got published in the Herald about eighteen months ago. I believe that what I wrote then, still seems relevant today. I do not believe it appeared on Goanet before and hopefully will appear now but I regret I am unable, in this instance, to generate the font Goanet normally requires.

The situation as seen from the UK about Australia's racial clashes is best epitomised by Germaine Greer, who is of Australian origin but domiciled in the UK.

With reference to the supremacist 'Anglos' battling it out with 'bloody Lebs' on Cronulla beach near Sydney, this is what she quoted in reporting statements from some Australian whites: "We are the Sons and Daughters of the Anzacs. We cannot expect our treasonous government to protect us in these times, they are the ones that brought us to this very place. With 150,000 Arabs entering our nation 'legally' each year, it is time Australians stood and were counted. For we are the Sons and Daughters of the Anzacs, the men who protected us from threat and invasion in years gone by. Now it is your turn, OUR turn, the guard has changed , the times have
changed, but true patriots will never be silenced."

Greer adds: "So runs the latest communique of the commanders-in-chief of the "Anglo" side in the south Sydney beach wars, summoning me and and other "Australians" to Cronulla next Sunday to do battle with the foreign invader. Under freshly invoked emergency powers the Australian who sent it to me could incur a fine of A$5000 (£2130). Meanwhile, Arab-Christian and Arab-Muslim organisations are desperatly trying to impose a curfew on their communities; Lebanese mothers are being asked to use their authority in the family to keep their sons at home next weekend.

The "can-Australia-really-be racist?" approach of the British media to reportage of the battle of Cronulla is gratuitous and silly. Australia is as racist as Britain, no more, no less. Australian racism derives from the same bottomless source as British racism--from universal ignorance and working-class frustration, reinforced by an unshakeable conviction of British superiority over all other nations on earth, especially the swarthy ones. If Australia had been colonised by any other nation but the British,
it would be less racist. As it is, it is dying hard."

Greer, goes on subtly to question Australian 'success' at multiculturalism and refers to the redneck mindless beach culture on the Gold Coast and suburbs of Perth which could generate a bloody summer in Australia.

To my mind, there is a sad inevitability that, initially the entry of any visible minorities in any society raises fears and tensions among the more established groups. Irrespective of the need for new labour, the local people are inclined to believe that the new people are stealing their jobs and women, undercutting wages and putting pressure on accommodation and other resources. Unfortunately, the significant contribution that the newcommers make to a society is invariably overlooked. Government policy to alleviate such tension is critical and so is the work of goodwill 'ambassadors' across racial divides to alleviate developing animosities.

The above view can equally apply to Goa where tensions have been created consequent to the entry of much needed labour from other parts of India. But before Goans are inclined to see racism everywhere except at home, it is worth reminding ourselves that significant numbers of Catholic Goans are archaically steeped in the provenance of Hindu casteism which is even more insidious than racism as widely understood. The paradoxical absurdity is that, such casteists delude themselves, and others, in simultaneously purporting to be devout practising Catholics when the two positions (casteism and Catholicism) are distinct and totally incompatible. I therefore use this opportunity to humbly ask if this is an illustration of sheer stupidity in an otherwise intelligent people?

The attached article is titled Knotty Conundrums Down Under: A Personal View.

Description: MS-Word document

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