International IT meet begins in Goa
Panaji | December 18, 2005 8:15:06 PM IST

Academicians, industry professionals and students from India and abroad,
including successful non-resident Indians (NRIs) assembled here Sunday to
deliberate on the latest developments and improvisations in the field of
information technology.

The 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance
Computing (HiPC 2005) opened at a Goa beach resort and the deliberations
for the next four days will lay emphasis on the design and analysis of
high-performance parallel, distributed and networked systems and their
scientific, engineering and commercial applications.

"The conference will also witness highly technical deliberations on
logistical and other problems faced in securing global linkages for high
performance computers used by the scientific and research communities in
weather forecasting, space research and bio-technology," said Manish
Parashar, general chairman of the conference.

"Almost half of the 300-odd delegates at the conference are professionals
and academicians from North America," Parashar, himself a professor in the
department of electrical and computer engineering at Rutgers University,
New Jersey, told IANS.

The conference has for the last eleven years been organised at different
Indian cities, offering local students and computational science
communities an opportunity to mingle with the world's best in the (IANS)

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