|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
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With the ongoing demand for official recognition for
Konkani in Roman script by an amendment to the
Official Language Act the ONLY ONE SCRIPT (DEVANAGARI)
ONE LANGUAGE (KONKANI) lobby mainly of some Hindu
Saraswat Brahmins  have apparently clandestinely the
formation of   newly sprouted organisation "Goan
Catholics for Devanagari" on 7th October,2005 with Fr
Jaime Couto as its Convenor and other members viz; Fr
Moreno De Souza sj Prof S M Borges (ex Lecturer
Chowgule College Margao ) Denzil Dias Xaverito da
Costa Fr Michael A Fernandes 

This evening 20th December, 2005 this group  organised
an hour and fifteen minutes meet at the Institute
HADPI" meaning those interested in bringing forth the
message of Msgr. Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado of Assagao
Bardez  linguistic scholar of international repute who
was born on 8th May 1855 and died on 4th April 1922.
His 150th birth aniversary is being celebrated to
remember the great works of this linguist in the field
of Konkani.  Though the UNITY in LANGUAGE and
DIVERSITY of scripts --- votaries are purusing the
issue of recognition of Roman script for Konkani while
historically the other camp has been favouring Shenoi
Goembab, apparently to draw a wedge between the
Cristaos the Shenoi Goembab votaries have now resorted
to paying lip sympathy to Msgr Dalgado. 
At the  introduction Fr Jaime Couto spoke of the "need
to fulfill the unacomplished dream" of Msgr Dalgado.
Prof S M Borges spoke on the life and works of Msgr
Dalgado (for more on Msgr Dalagado www.colaco.net
offers details ) and regretted that since most of it
was in Portuguese language it was incumbent to have
his works translated. 

Later Mr Uday L Bhembre (Advocate) stated that the age
difference between Msgr Dalgado and Shenoi Goembab
Shri V Valaulikar of Bicholim was just 22 years, and
his works in Konkani adopting the Devnagari script
could well be considered the beginning of the nagri
script for Konkani.  Surprisingly this remark from a
votary of ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE came as a
surprise because all along they heaped accolades only
on Shenoi Goembab at all fora and now this U turn
clearly shows that this group is fighting desperately
to avoid  recognition for Roman script.

Mr Bhembre clearly indicated that plans are afoot to
translate soon the works of Msgr Dalgado to expose
those who under his name have been advocating the
cause of Konkani in Roman script when according to him
Msgr Dalgado was for Konkani Devanagari script.

But one this is clear those for Konkani in Roman
script clear state that Konkani must be in as many
scripts as possible and have no hatred towards
Devanagari -- but are definitely against those who
advocate one script only for Konkani -- this according
to them will spell the down fall of Konkani or make it
the monopoly on only the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins
specially for matters of budgeted funds and matters of

It  was clearly a case of the Devil quoting the
scriptures. It is time Cristaos in Goa realise that
they have been lending their shoulders for holding the
guns from which the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE
votaries fire to achieve THEIR OWN ENDS.  At today's
meet there was hardly the numbers to call it a  "GOAN
CATHOLIC for DEVANAGARI" collective or that could be
counted --- atleast from amongst the 16 Catholics that
this writer could identify Mr Alban Couto ex IAS , Ms
Aurora Couto writer , Mr Percival Noronha Astronomer
Fr Joao Pedro Fernandes ex Parish priest Our Lady of
Grace Church Margao, Mr Miguel Braganza Botanist etc
it was difficult to believe that they supported
Konkani in Devanagari script.  The other persons  
included the press and Mr Pundalik Naik  President of
Goa Konkani Academy and his spouse Ms Hema Naik, Ms K
Budkuley,  Mr Gurunath Kelekar, Mr Naik Shivdas Mr
Dhume and the usual bandwagon that  Mr Bhembre escorts
when he is  around at such meets.

It was even more strange that those among the
Catholics like Fr Couto Fr Moreno and Prof Borges
spoke Konkani with in a tone adopting  a Roman accent
instead of the sanskritised version of Konkani in
devanagari "otalo votalo ashirle etc" wer all missing
in their vocabulary.   Moreover they were seen looking
blank when a two legal size paper typed document in
Konkani devanagari version entitled " Msgr Dalagado
-Konkanikhatir vavr ani haves" in the name of S. M
Borges was circulated to the audience--- apparently
the contents were gibberish to the Cristaos present
and the padres. 

Another 19 page booklet  titled " Dalgadacho Sandesh "
with front page photograph of Msgr Dalgado and Shennoi
Goembab and back page with Santa Claus  to bring some
cheer to the Cristaos was released by Fr Moreno De

It must be remembered that the Catholic  Scheduled
Tribes of Goa who during the MGP regime of late Shri
Dayanand Bandodkar were taught in Marathi teaching
Government Primary schools are the only ones besides
the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins who attempt to read the
Devanagari script newspaper, or atleast carry it with
them with pride.

In fact there is a strange reason why Fr Moreno took a
love for Konkani in Devanagari script as narrated by
him -- it is because while in Spain when he was asked
why he was writing an Indian language Konkani in an
European script (Roman) he felt ashamed and therefore
took to attempting to learn the Devanagari script --
though he confessed that now at this old age he is
still to learn the language Konkani in Devanagari but
religiously hears   hears All India Radio to
familiarise with the accent. In his emotive outburst
he too subscribed to ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE --
understandbly at his age his belated efforts may not
be able to influence "Goan Catholic for Devanagari"

from the IMB HALL 

godfrey j i gonsalves
borda margao goa

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