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 Scandal website reinvents itself

                By Navdip Dhariwal
BBC correspondent in Madras

An Indian news website brought to its knees by two years of tax raids
and government investigations is now planning to relaunch as a weekend

The website, Tehelka.com, caused a furore in 2001 when it secretly
filmed member's of India's defence establishment allegedly accepting

The exposure shook the government and led to the resignations of the
presidents of two main parties in the ruling coalition and the defence
minister, as well as some senior bureaucrats.

But in a surprise twist, an enquiry into the affair also turned its
attention on Tehelka in what its staff saw as an act of government

As a result, Tehelka's editor, Tarun Tejpal, has been too busy dealing
with the crises arising from those investigations to cover any

But now Mr Tejpal - probably India's most famous journalist - is
planning to put the sting back into Indian journalism.


Two years on and the enquiry has been disbanded. No-one in the
government has been charged but Tehelka has virtually shut down.

        You can have... 3,000 people killed as in Gujarat last year, but
there's zero accountability
Tarun Tejpal

It used to have an office with 120 journalists, that has now been
reduced to just three.

It had been forced to give up a three-storey office block and borrow
office space from supporters.

"In the last two-and-a-half to three years, we've been at the
receiving end of this completely extra-constitutional assault," says
Mr Tejpal.

Tehelka is promising a comeback as a "people's paper".

The campaign is taking an eight-city tour across India promoting what
it claims is "Free, Fair and Fearless Press" - India's latest addition
to a media which Mr Tejpal says has lost its courage.

No scam or outrage of over the past 15 years has led to any kind of
accountability, he says.

"You can have 10 people killed, 100 people killed, 3,000 people killed
as in Gujarat last year. But there's zero accountability.

The level of harassment Tarun Tejpal says he has endured is unprecedented.

"In these circumstances you should have journalists digging in their
heels and getting tougher and tougher, but on the other hand what we
find is actually journalists are becoming softer," he says.

N Ram is the editor-in-chief of one of India's most famous newspapers,
the Hindu, which is now in its 125th year.

He denies the Indian press has gone soft and lost its independence.

"We admire the Tehelka for standing up and the investigative job that
it did. But I think much of the press rallied around him for that
matter," Mr Ram says.

Mr Ram says there are market pressures on editors - "But I think a
large degree of independence exists, a lot of space exists in the
Indian press.".


Tehelka has become a crusade - for what its supporters say is - the truth.

The new Tehelka newspaper still has to meet its launch target of $3m,
so it is looking for founder subscribers.

Among the eminent Indians who have signed up is VS Naipaul, the Nobel
prize-winning novelist, Mira Nair, the award-winning director of
Monsoon Wedding, and Khushwant Singh, the famous Indian writer and

Tarun Tejpal says he believes 'sting' journalism - where someone is
set up and shown committing an offence - is a legitimate form of

"I think in a country like India where we've lost our ability to shame
our public figures, we need to be ingenious, we need to be courageous,
we need to use the sting to shame people.

"I think if there were a thousand journalists in India employing sting
journalism to catch out people in public office, misusing public money
and public power... that will be a great deterrent," he says.

If exposing scams and corruption is the editorial line - then Tehelka
will certainly be keenly read in India.

For a country that fought hard for its press freedom - any new
addition that promotes democratic debate can only be a good thing.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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