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Cuncolim union former secretary Armstrong Vaz clarifies

Our sports Reporter

Panjim:- Armstrong vaz, former General secretary of Cuncolim has clarified 
that he does not have any material/records of Cuncolim union in his possession 
till date and whatever records/materials are in the sole possession of Ramesh 
Dessai, President, Cuncolim union, Dandora Salcete, Goa.

According to the notice published in weekender dated 11.12.2005 Ramesh Dessai 
has cleared stated Cuncolim union functions from his residential address of 
Dandora Salcete, Goa. The notice given in the address clearly shows that 
Cuncolim Union functions from his residential address, vaz has stated his 
reply to the notice.

For the records Cuncolim Union does not have an office premises of its own nor 
does it function from any fixed location of its own.

The notice inserted by the Cuincolim union president states that he (Armstrong 
Vaz ) is having the records/materials of the union. A charge which has been 
rejected by vaz.

Incidentally Ramesh Dessai in his notice has not stated what are the 
materials /records in the possession of Vaz. "these yet another ploy to harass 
me" Vaz has cried in his reply to the allegations leveled by the president in 
the notice.

The former general secretary has questioned that if the suspension order of 
his was taken on 11/7/05, why the president has woken up from his slumber 
after a gap of five months and inserted a notice in the papers. Further Ramesh 
has stated in is notice that the decision to ask for the records from Vaz was 
taken on 17.08.2005 then why was he sleeping over the decision for 118 days, 
questions Vaz.

These is just a ploy to harass a journalist who consistently criticizing and 
exposing the wrong doings, shortcomings of Cuncolim union over the last one 
year, states vaz in his clarification to the notice.

The president Ramesh Dessai has stoop to such a low level to drag my mother 
into the controversy and has leveled false and baseless allegations leveled 
against her in the notice. She is no where connected with Cuncolim Union then 
why drag a third party into the issue. "The ploy to drag her name in the 
notice exposes the true character of Politician who has lost power and it is a 
clear cut act of a frustrated and out of power politician." He states.

As the president Ramesh Dessai had taken charge from the outgoing president, 
all the records where handed over to him by the out going committee and he is 
having the records and is trying to mislead people with a false and malicious 
notice published in weekender dated 11.12.2005.

Further Vaz has stated that the only materials/ records in his possession were 
the two rubber stamps of Cuncolim union which have since been handed over to 
the former chairperson of Cuncolim municipal council and neighbour Dilip 
Dessai on 7th Sept 2005.

As Cuncolim Union does not have an office premises of its own nor does it 
function from any fixed location, vaz has stated that he handed over the two 
rubber stamps to Dilip Dessai at his residence on 7th Sept 2005.

He has further stated that regarding the false , malicious and defamatory 
allegations leveled against me through a letter dated 25.06.2005 by Ramesh 
Dessai relating to press publicity and one of abuse. Vaz has replied to the 
letter of Dessai in his reply dated 30th June 2005wherein he had replied and 
denied the charges leveled against him through a three page letter. The reply 
which was handed over to vice president and senior member of the union Rudolph 

The reply of vaz handed over to vice president and senior member of the union 
Rudolph Noronha was rejected by the president as it was not handed over to him 
but another committee member Vaz mentions in his clarification.

Dessai in his weekender notice dated 11.12.2205 has stated that "whereas a 
show cause notice was issued to shri Armstrong vaz general secretary of 
Cuncolim union seeking explanation from him within eight days from receipt of 
the said memorandum for the misconduct enumerated therein."

He has further stated in his notice that he has failed to give an explanation 
to the charges leveled against him.

"when I have asked for eight more days and submitted a letter through the vice 
president Rudoplh Noronha , it left best to the imagination of the readers who 
is trying to misguide and beat around the bush and push the real issues in the 
back ground" vaz states.

Vaz feels that injustice has been done to him and that he will raise the issue 
at the proper time and at the right forum to highlight and expose the dark and 
darker characters of Cuncolim .

He feels that all the work done for Cuncolim football over the years by him 
and hi team the corrupt and selfish politicians seek to wipe out in one stroke.

The entire South Goa football lovers know what Armstrong Vaz along with Levino 
Dias, Zephyrus Mascarenhas, Philip coutinho have done for Cuncolim for the 
last several years Vaz mentions in the clarification.

The other Charges leveled against him he says were relating to press publicity 
for Cuncolim union and its office bearers and further another charge 
of "abuse" leveled against him by the president Ramesh Dessai pertaining to 
Mumbai association office bearer Tony Coutinho was subsequently proved to be 

"Tony Coutinho gave a letter stating that "it is not true" that Armstrong Vaz 
abused me which exposed the true colours of the President." States vaz in his 
support of his arguments to the presidentÂ’s notice.

Vaz also states that he had asked for additional time of eight days in the 
letter dated 30th June 2005 to furnish proof against the president and prove 
the allegations against me as false, the request which was not considered by 
the president informs Vaz.

He further wish to state that his suspension is related to the lack of 
personalized publicity for certain section of the office bearers of Cuncolim 
Union including the president Ramesh Dessai and another office bearer. The 
request of the two to give them individualistic publicity was out rightly 
rejected by him as he says that was against journalistic ethics and hence the 
grudge of the two members.

Ramesh Dessai in his notice Shri Armstrong Vaz, secretary dated 25.06.2005 had 

"whereas it has been observed that Shri Armstrong Vaz, secretary, has 
published an article on Gomantak times dated 3.6.2005 by which he has down 
played the efforts made by the present committee for acquiring land or to 
build a club house and thereby tried to malign the image of the committee and 
the club as a whole in the eyes of the public."

Gomantak times report written by Armstrong vaz under the head line ---
Armstrong had highlighted the plans of cuncolim association Mumbai to have a 
club house and also cuncolim union effort over the last three years

Excerpts of the report relating to Cuncolim union.

"Incidentally Cuncolim union, sports and cultural association registered in 
1972 has been unable to construct a club house for the last several years.

The last attempt failed on account of a property dispute over the identified 
land. Even a foundation stone was laid for the project during the tenure of 
Advocate Armando Barbosa six years back.

After the present committee of Cuncolim union headed by Ramesh Dessai was 
elected three years back, Ramesh took upon the task of constructing the club 
house when no one was willing to take the responsibility.

Unfortunately the project has failed to materlize.

With Cuncolim association making an effort Cuncolim union camp will be working 
towards fulfilling the promises given by the president to the general body 
meting of the union. " 

He has also stated that no one had pasted any notice on my house door as on 
17.08.2005 as stated by the president in the Weekender notice .These is one of 
the lies and canard of lies which the president Ramesh Dessai is spreading. If 
the decision to ask for the records FROM ME was taken on 17.08.2005 then why 
was he sleeping over the decision for 118 days.

The former Chairperson of Cuncolim Municipality Ramesh Dessai held back his 
moves for obvious reasons.

In the end I wish to state that the post of the secretary of Cuncolim union is 
an honorary post and no remuneration is involved in holding the post.

This clarification should put to an end to my side of the story against a 
powerful executive committee who having feasted on the efforts of the earlier 
executive committee are out to tarnish my good work, which I did for football 
for the last sixteen years.

Meanwhile Vaz has sent copies of the clarification and his version of the 
facts along with documentary proof have been sent to AIFF secretary Alberto 
Colaco,Cuncolim MLA Joaquim Alemao,GFA Secretary , Savio Messais, Executive 
Director SAG, V M Prabhudessai,Directorate of sports, Dr. Susan De Souza, Goa 
Union of Journalists, Editors of newspapers in Goa, Press guild of India and 
Indian federation of Working journalists.

Please refer to the report of 03.06.2005 report of Gomantak times written by 
Armstrong vaz under the head line "CUNCOLIM ASSOCIATION MUMBAI PLANS TO HAVE A 

In the report Armstrong had highlighted the plans of cuncolim association 
Mumbai to have a club house and also cuncolim union effort over the last three 

"Incidentally Cuncolim union, sports and cultural association registered in 
1972 has been unable to construct a club house for the last several years.

The last attempt failed on account of a property dispute over the identified 
land. Even a foundation stone was laid for the project during the tenure of 
Advocate Armando Barbosa six years back.

After the present committee of Cuncolim union headed by Ramesh Dessai was 
elected three years back, Ramesh took upon the task of constructing the club 
house when no one was willing to take the responsibility.

Unfortunately the project has failed to materlize.

With Cuncolim association making an effort Cuncolim union camp will be working 
towards fulfilling the promises given by the president to the general body 
meting of the union."

Excerpts from the letter

"whereas it has been observed that Shri Armstrong Vaz, secretary, has 
published an article on Gomantak times dated 3.6.2005 by which he has down 
played the efforts made by the present committee for acquiring land or to 
build a club house and thereby tried to malign the image of the committee and 
the club as a whole in the eyes of the public.

And whereas it has been observed that there are other releases/articles on 
local newspapers for which the inputs have been provided by shri Vaz, some 
matter of which was incorrect.

And whereas it has been further observed that Shri Vaz is suing his Journalist 
position to his personal advantage and giving press statements without taking 
other committee members who are working in that particular field into 
confidence, and moreover without the approval and consent of managing 
committee and or its members."

And whereas at the recently concluded held Cuncolim union summer nite 
organized by Cuncolim Union, it was observed that shri vaz was abusing Shri 
Tony coutinho , who was not only our honoured guest all the way from Bombay 
but also who has volunteered to compere the show."

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