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|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
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|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
|         Attending.......drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
Nightmare in paradise 
Sunday December 25 2005 15:07 IST 
Colin Todhunter

Stirrrr it, there's sumthing at the bottum" Siggi had just finished
impersonating my accent very badly for what seemed like the 50th time
that morning, then proceeded to light what might have been her 20th
cigarette of the day. Then, through what seemed to be a permanent haze
of tobacco smoke around her head, she went into her slapstick routine
for the 10th time centred on some hapless South African guy we had met
on Baga beach the day before.  After that, she made yet another joke
about how old I was. By the time she had finished I felt like I was 80.
I think you'll agree that's pretty good going seeing that it was still
only 9.15 in the morning! 

My traveling companion Siggi, and her laser beam humour, is the only
redeeming aspect of Calangute that I can recall. Calangute is the centre
of Goa's international package tourist trade and each time I visit I
notice more and more new hotels, restaurants and English pubs. Given its
position, it should be the jewel in the crown of Goan tourism. But ever
sprawling Calangute is becoming over developed and appears to lack any
coherent planning strategy.  If there is any strategy then it doesn't
seem to be having much of an impact at least as far aesthetics is
concerned. The place is commercialism overlaid with more commercialism,
with each trinket and jewellery shop, each overpriced restaurant and
each shopping or hotel complex leaving me craving to escape. 

The hippies arrived on Calangute beach in the early 70s, much to the
dismay and even moral outrage of some of the local people. At that time
little existed beyond fisher families and villages. Then in the 80s came
cheap flights from the UK to entice the British package tourist who
sought sun, beaches and low costs. The prices in the various concrete
high rise "costa del hell holes" British tourist spots in Spain
increased and over the last decade Goa has become the new Spain for many
Brits. Now Brits, Germans, Scandinavians and increasingly Russians flock

It always strikes me as pretty strange that so many Brits travel half
the world to arrive in a place where they expect (and get) fish and
chips, English pubs, and now a fully blown Irish bar, with varnished
floor and brass hand-pumps, which could have been transported from any
number of UK high streets. It's not an imitation - it's the real deal.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Calangute itself. 

Sometimes when in Calangute I have to remind myself that I am actually
still in Goa. Mexico, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and any other number of
places have their own plethora of Calangute type places, each conforming
to the standards of commercial tourism and each having a huge impact on
the local economy, culture and ecological systems. I guess they serve a
purpose however for those hankering after the tourist dollar (or pound
or euro or rouble) and those in search of cheap breaks. Whereas Spain is
just a short hop from the UK, Goa is in India, a faraway place and one
of the most exciting and diverse countries on earth. To travel half way
around the globe and then never venture beyond a six kilometre radius of
Calangute, which is what many do, seems such a waste.  Calangute is the
tourist ghetto par excellence. 

During my latest visit in October, I found myself on a moped just
outside of Calangute and asked Siggi if she would like to take a photo
of the scene at hand. There was a newly built, surprisingly
architecturally pleasing building set against a forest of coconut trees
and green hills. It was a beautiful scene. Siggi declined the option
however and instead asked, "Is that building a hotel that caters to
foreigners who never interact with local people because there is a bar,
restaurant and pool on site, and they never have to leave the complex?" 
I responded that it probably was. Siggi was as sharp as they come but
let's face it, it doesn't take a PhD in world tourism to understand the
nature of much of modern day tourism. 

Believe it or not, I actually like Goa. And there is certainly a heck of
a lot more to it than Calangute. It has some lovely beaches, great
historical sites and beautiful scenery ranging from lush paddy fields
and towering coconut trees to the rain forests leading up to Castle Rock
in the Western Ghats. It is an international draw for good reason and I
am continually drawn to the place. But for some reason and at some point
I too often find myself visiting Calangute, which can be relatively
pleasant during the off season. However in December, at the height of
the tourist season, I can give it a wide berth. 

Traveling is not necessarily about the places that you visit, but about
the people you meet. Perhaps those Brits who come here have fond
memories of Calangute because of the friendly Goans they encounter. I
love Goa but dislike Calangute and its concrete sprawl, inflated prices,
poor infrastructure and the type of tourism that the place represents. 

However, thanks to my German friend, Siggi, I do actually have a soft
spot for it these days. Siggi was beautiful to look at and beautiful to
be with, unfortunately the same could not be said of Calangute. But are
our memories of certain people whom we encounter when traveling a good
enough reason to develop a fondness for a place and excuse it for all of
its man made ills? I don't think so.

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
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