|                                                                        |
|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|                                                                        |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
|         Attending.......drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
2005 - That Was the Year That Was  

As America staggers out of 2005, it's time to look
back at what hit us. There were five major events:
Bush deflation, Republican corruption, Iraq quicksand,
American shame, and Mother Nature. 

"Oh yes, I'm the great pretender, pretending that I'm
doing well." 
Shortly after being reelected in November 2004, George
Bush bragged about his new political capital. The
President promised Republican donors that they would
see new tax cuts and entitlement reductions. He
promised to "reform" Social Security. One of the big
stories of the year was the scuttling of Bush's
ambitious agenda. Congressional Democrats united and
the President's political capital evaporated. By the
end of the year, congressional Republicans were
abandoning battleship Bush. Separating from the
Administration on torture, renewal of the Patriot Act,
and his economic legislation. Dubya lost so much face
that he was forced to do what previously had been
unthinkable - admit making a mistake. 

"Even the President must sometimes stand naked." 
This was the year when America's worst fears about the
Bush Administration were confirmed: The Republican
congressional leadership - Tom DeLay and Bill Frist -
was accused of financial improprieties; Delay was
indicted. Veteran Republican Congressman Duke
Cunningham was convicted of accepting bribes and
numerous other Republicans are being investigated. The
"Plamegate" scandal resulted in the indictment of
Presidential adviser Scooter Libby and placed Bush
guru, Karl Rove, under a cloud of suspicion. The
accumulated evidence of Republican malfeasance
constituted the worst Washington corruption in over
100 years. 

"We were waist deep in the Big Muddy and the damn fool
kept yelling to push on." 
President Bush remained upbeat on prospects for
"victory" in Iraq. He insisted the US will not
withdraw until there are viable Iraqi security forces.
However, these troops seem unable to fight without the
support of U.S. forces. There were three elections
during the year and millions of Iraqis voted.
Nonetheless, the civil war intensified and the number
of insurgent attacks dramatically increased. While
two-thirds of Iraqis oppose the presence of US forces
in their country, only 26 percent want us out "now."
Americans are similarly divided about withdrawal. Some
feel we should stay as long as it takes to defeat the
insurgency. Others want us to withdraw at once. In
November, hawkish Democratic Congressman, John Murtha,
announced he had changed his opinion on the war and
now felt that we should withdraw our troops within six
months. This galvanized Democratic opposition. As a
result almost all Washington Dems favor a timetable
for withdrawal. George Bush opposes this, saying that
reduction of forces should be "condition based." At
year-end, only he knew what these were. 

"Louisiana, they're trying to wash us away." 
The years' most shameful event was the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of New Orleans residents,
mostly poor and black, were abandoned when the city
was evacuated. For days the nation watched as old
folks, women and children waded through flooded
streets searching for food and water. The dreadful
response of the Federal Government proved what many
had been warning about - the Bush Administration
learned nothing from the 9/11 attacks. The nation was
woefully unprepared for disaster. The desperate
circumstances of Gulf Coast residents also reminded
Americans that we have become a deeply divided nation
- one where the rich prosper, while the plight of the
poor become ever more desperate. 

"Crazy mama, where you been so long?"
While Time magazine named the "person" of the year as
philanthropists Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates, the
award should have gone to Mother Nature. However, she
was far too busy to sit still for a picture. This was
a year that big mama cut loose. In the United States
these were horrendous hurricanes along the Gulf Coast.
In Asia there were tsunamis and earthquakes. While
some of these events had nothing to do with global
climate change, the ferocious hurricanes were almost
certainly the products of elevated seawater
temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the
world there was mounting evidence of the reality of
global warming. Nonetheless, the Bush Administration
continues to insist that the jury is still out on
climate change. As a result they resisted all efforts
to change national policy or to join international
treaties. For most Americans, 2005 proved that it's
not smart to mess with crazy mama. 

"He's a real nowhere man. " 
This was the year when a majority of Americans
realized that they could not trust George Bush.
Unfortunately, he was elected to a four-year term and
will be with us for three more years - unless
impeached. While there were encouraging signs at the
end of the year, Democrats have yet to mount an
effective opposition. As a result, America is leaving
2005 a deeply divided nation without a clear sense of
direction. Adrift on a sea riled by an increasingly
irascible Mother Nature. (courtesy: commondreams.org)

Bob Burnett is a Berkeley writer and activist.  

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

This first of its kind Gulf-Goans e-newsletter archived at 
www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans is dedicated to Goans around the Globe and 
is moderated/edited by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994) and presented by Ulysses 
Menezes, owner of http://www.goa-world.com website. 

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop (Goa) www.goa-world.com/expressions/ 
THE GOAN FORUM  www.colaco.net
SUPERGOA www.supergoa.com

Goa Sudharop Awards Programme - January 3, 2006 at 4:30-6:00 pm at Caritas 
Complex Hall, St. Inez, Panjim. Goa Sudharop a USA based NGO works for the 
betterment of Goa and Goans. See past awards at 

Season's Greetings from www.goa-world.com team.

Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
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|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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