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indiamike Male
The Big Paneer

Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Arambol
Posts: 1,430 

Anjuna is worth skipping now and it's appeal seems more to the weekender
from Mumbai or hyderabad. Think 'future ibiza' 

jyotirmoy Male
Maha Guru Member
I had posted earlier in some thread that I have stopped going to Goa.
The last time I was in Goa was atleast 5 or 6 years back. Goa has
changed. No comments on whether it has changed for good or bad. The last
time I was there I noted changes that were taking place. The smiling
cool guys maning the shops & the shacks had been replaced by arrogant
business men whose manners reflected the business you were bringin in. I
failed to understand the language spoken at the Tito's. While walking
back from Calangute at night to Bagha I was robbed at knife point. I
felt that I just couldnt handle it any more so good bye Goa, let the
memories of early seventies remain as fairy tales which I had told to my
children & if lucky would like to tell these tales to my grand children,
this is my tribute to Goa of yesterdays. Amen.

goamit's Avatar
Living in Hope 

They are trying to kill the scene, firstly your article is much
appreciated the research u have done is meticulous and covered all the
points.  It feels so good to read your article that some one is speaking
about the thoughts of thousands of Ravers.

Also Anjuna - Vagator is still a heaven for day Rave scenes its just
that in Christmas and Newyears a lot of unwanted people come here
Un wanted as they just block space even if they have no interest in

Lets hope the scene come alive 

As of now Gokarana and Hamping must having wild psy partys who knows



as I am in Arambol now....
here is the situation:

in Anjuna there have been a few parties going on at Curlie's bar. Xmas
was just bad luck since there were suppose to be parties in 3 locations:
Hill Top, Monkey Valley and Disco Valley, but police shut them down.
since we arrived here in Arambol, there had been 3 parties here.
there is a party going on as I write now, at Hill Top in Vagator and
supposely one in Curlie's bar.
there are supposely two parties starting late here in Arambol tonight.

so, as you can see there are still parties going, but it is not what it
used to be when I was here in Anjuna 2 years ago.

Anjuna changed a lot since last time I was here. it is definetly future

as for the raves... it is such a pity that the government is shuting
them down. this is what brings backpackers to Goa. as for the other
travelers, Goa offers everybody whatever they are looking for. there are
quiet beaches for people who are looking for that, there are tourist
oriented beaches for whomever is looking for package, good service and
expensive hotels and it is a pity that they no longer want the
backpackers who represent a great percentage of the travelers here in

the backpackers bring a lot of money into the tourism in India and it is
a pity that they want to estrange them away from Goa. 

what I don't understand is this: why is Paradiso and Tito ok, but yet
open raves by the beach are not ok? Paradiso and Tito are just as loud
as every other rave. and please, there are still drugs going on in
Paradiso and in Tito or in any big techo club in the west for that

if you are telling me that the location is what bothers the Goans, well,
the party locations are all set up far away from villages, by the beach,
where the sound goes into the sea or open air. so it is far away from
Goan houses.

so I don't understand why they want to shut down the parties in Goa
where all over the world people are setting up open air raves for the
people who like them?

anyhow, I hope the parties come back to Goa, even though I am getting
out of the rave scene, but if not for my benefit, at least for the
benefit of all those travellers who want to experience something
different and a lot more original than a night club.

lotus blossom 
my religion is love
lotus blossom's Avatar
Location: oregon usa
well, this is dissapointing news. i never got to experience goa yet.
maybe we could take it elsewhere?
you are god hiding from yourself - hafiz 

Maha Guru Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,370 
Originally Posted by passingby
the backpackers bring a lot of money into the tourism in India and it is
a pity that they want to estrange them away from Goa.
That is not quite correct. The average backpacker spends approx.
$10-$15/day as compared to the package tourist coming into Goa on a
chartered flight who spends about $50/day

Originally Posted by passingby
what I don't understand is this: why is Paradiso and Tito ok, but yet
open raves by the beach are not ok? Paradiso and Tito are just as loud
as every other rave. and please, there are still drugs going on in
Paradiso and in Tito or in any big techo club in the west for that

Paradiso is located on property that belongs to the Goa government. It
is leased by the operator. The present operator owes a huge sum of money
which has not been paid so far to the administration and this may very
well lead to a shutting down of this place.
As far as Tito's is concerned, the events held at this venue can not be
classified as raves. It is just like any other nightclub anywhere else
in India.

Originally Posted by passingby
so I don't understand why they want to shut down the parties in Goa
where all over the world people are setting up open air raves for the
people who like them?
anyhow, I hope the parties come back to Goa, even though I am getting
out of the rave scene, but if not for my benefit, at least for the
benefit of all those travellers who want to experience something
different and a lot more original than a night club.

What about the negative effects these raves have had on the local
populace? Is the pleasure of western backpackers so paramount that local
villagers have to suffer in silence?

If you go and talk to the social workers in Vagator/Chapora you will
find that young school kids in Grade 10 have been dropping out of school
to become drug pushers and in many cases drug addicts. These kids tell
their parents that there is no point in going to school because they can
make far more money by selling this stuff. Invariably many of these kids
grow up to end up dead in a drug deal gone bad or they spend most of
their adulthood rotting in jail. 

The backpackers may come and stay for a while and move on but it is the
local population which has to bear the scars into the future. If you go
and talk to a Goan family who has lost a loved one to this nasty
subculture you will rapidly change your views on the so called
"benefits" of these open air parties.

lotus blossom 
my religion is love
lotus blossom's Avatar
Location: oregon usa

well, goanchuck, once you put it like that it sounds like a positive
step. it's too bad that one cannot get high on dance without the drugs.

Luckywoman Female 
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Holland
Hippy at heart 

I dont know a thing about rave parties and about drugs going on in Goa,
but it seems to me that all this has little to do with India. Let India
please stay India and let the western travellers who come to India just
to enjoy drugs-and raveparties search their luck somewhere else.
Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than

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goamit's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Santacruz,Mumbai,India 
Posts: 65 
Passing By you get my 100 % 

Hey Passing by you get my 100 % marks for what you have mentioned
its so true and Trust Goa is big to entertain interest of each tourist
and give a shy eye to raves.Its my life

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