|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |
--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> Your thoughts are like a runaway train - the energy
> therein will only lead to disastrous results!
Mario replies:
Bosco, The energy in my runaway train of thought is
aimed at disastrous results for only those who oppress
innocent people and oppose freedom and democracy
around the world.
> Mario wrote:
> >
> > So, I guess you are saying that the elimination of
> > Israel that is still contained in the PLO Charter
> - even though Arafat is supposed to have publicly
> > repudiated that goal after realizing it's futility
> - 
> Your guess is YOUR guess......that is not what
> said on this forum. You continue to put words in
> people's mouths.
Mario replies:
Bosco, I don't have to put words in anyone's mouth. 
You do that by what you write.  When you dismiss the
Israeli description of their plight of being in a
survival mode as "propaganda", and I prove you are
wrong by citing the PLO Charter and recent graphic
re-iterations of the goal of eliminating Israel by the
leaders of Al Qaeda and Iran, you clearly demonstrate
your disregard for the survival of the Israeli nation,
while pretending not to have said so.
Bosco writes:
> "Allegation" - that's how YOU view
HonestReporting.com ?? I 
> said Honestreporting.com is distributing propaganda.
> does not have to be true or false to be classified
Mario replies:
It seems you are making a moral equivalency between
the truth and falsehoods.
I asked you to point out falsehoods by
HonestReporting.com, which you have failed to do. 
They have clearly pointed out falsehoods by the major
news media.  You call this propaganda.
There would be no need for HonestReporting.com if the
major news sources reported the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict honestly.  What they do is point out the
falsehoods and truth twisting by the major news media.
Propaganda, my friend, is defined as "the spreading of
ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of
helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a
person," OR "ideas, facts, or allegations spread
deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an
opposing cause." 
I see you have a problem with HonestReporting.com
disemminating "ideas, information, facts and
allegations" in order to injure or damage those major
media institutions that are deliberately twisting the
truth about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, like
Reuters, The Guardian, CNN and the BBC.  
Bosco writes:
> Humbug !! I don't believe there are any news
> that have ever provided TOTALLY unbiased viewpoints.
> is put out will always appear biased to some point
of view in 
> the spectrum of human thinking. And examples are not
Mario replies:
Bosco, you need to familiarize yourself with the
difference between "viewpoints" and "news reporting". 
In countries that have freedom of speech, the news
media can express any "viewpoint" they choose to on
their editorial pages.  Readers can counter these by
writing letters to the editor.  The news media cannot
express their "viewpoint" in their news reporting
pages, where they are supposed to, by definition,
report what has actually happened.  Reuters, The
Guardian, CNN and BBC have been found to have
deliberately and repeatedly misrepresented in their
NEWS REPORTING what has actually happened in the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and HonestReporting.com
documents these falsehoods.
Bosco writes:
> Time for some education! Medicine is not free in
Canada unless 
> you are over 65 and live in Ontario. You don't pay
to be
> examined by doctors or for all medical tests. And
you profess 
> to knowing everything about Canada and
> tch-tch !!! 
Mario replies:
I see you still suffer from that nasal drip. 
Everything I know about Canada I learn from you
Canadians.  Your good friend, Mervyn, has repeatedly
alleged that he gets certain medications which shall
remain nameless in this forum to protect his medical
condition, FREE.  Perhaps he is over 65.  Anyway,
thanks for correcting me on this little detail of
Canadian minutiae.  After all, this is the least you
can do in return for all the other education and facts
that I provide on this forum..
Bosco writes:
> In closing I'd like to say, Mario, over the past
year your 
> commentary here on Goanet has had only one focus -
Iraq. Many 
> times you've acted as a publicist/lobbyist.
Mario replies:
Bosco, I think the archives will show that you are
wrong about me having only ONE focus.  However,
perhaps because Canada sat on the sidelines and tried
to obstruct the freedom and democracy that the US-led
coalition is achieving in Iraq, it irritates you when
I defend what is going on in Iraq against verbal
attacks by those who live in freedom and democracy,
yet oppose freedom and democracy for the Iraqis.
Bosco writes:
> You could not help but drag even this exchange about
> BBC and the Israel-Palestinian conflict to Iraq. 
> constant perceptions of every political and social
issue from 
> a left-wing/right-wing viewpoint is out of step with

> mainstream thinking the world over.
Mario replies:
Bosco, I hate to break this to you, but everything
that is going on in the middle-east is intimately
connected with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  You
Canadians better get your heads out of the sand and
catch up with what is going on in the rest of the
Bosco writes:
> Some of your commentary has been outright
embarrasing to 
> conservative-minded people here. You are welcome to
> your entrenched, self-righteous viewpoints. I just
> we - Goans here on Goanet, could use your fantastic
> vocabulary and writing skills to further the lot of
> people - Goans, rather than waste our time in
endless self-
> righteous debate on issues and events we have
absolutely no 
> control over.
Mario replies:
Bosco, you are obviously suffering from a New Year
hang-over.  Nothing I have ever said could embarrass
anyone who is a modern political conservative.  My
comments can only bother those who have entrenched
left-wing viewpoints, and those with such left-wing
viewpoints have been trying to fool everyone by
calling themselves "progressive humanitarians", while
actually acting as "regressive totalitarians" when it
comes to helping the poor and oppressed around the
Besides, I'm not sure the term "self-righteous" is the
correct term to use, though the term "right-eous" is
obviously what I strive for, which seems to bother
those who are "left-eous".
Bosco writes:
> If you interested and willing to assist fellow Goans
> in anyway.......I'll be waiting to hear from you.
> In the meantime, I'll tip my glass of Australian
Shiraz - 
> Happy New Year - 2006!
Mario replies:
Bosco, go easy on the Shiraz.  You seem to be pretty
wasted already.
BTW, you obviously have no idea what I do to assist
Goa and Goans.  If you have a specific Goan problem in
mind, please let me know.

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