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65 designers to participate in India Fashion Week 2006
New Delhi | January 04, 2006 1:15:18 AM IST
Sixty-five designers will participate in the India Fashion Week (IFW) here in 
April and the event's organisers are currently finalising sponsors. 
A statement from the Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI), which organises 
the IFW, said the number of participants in this year's event was up from 63 
designers last year. 

FDCI also said it had received a letter from the Monopolies and Restrictive 
Trade Practices Commission, seeking information on the IFW and related matters. 
The letter had been sent to FDCI's legal team, which "will respond 
appropriately", the statement said.  FDCI is a leading organisation of India's 
fashion design industry, and was set up in 1998 with leading designers. It said 
its membership had grown from 54 in 1998 to 166. 

The first IFW was held in New Delhi in 2000, when 33 designers presented their 
prĂȘt lines, while IFW 2001 in Mumbai had collections from 44 designers and IFW 
2004 had 63 designers.(IANS)

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