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--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The continuing comical regurgitations and
accusations against 
> unnamed scientists and the scientific consensus by
the poster 
> quoted below lead to the following interesting
> 1. Why does this poster continue this comical
Mario replies:
This is another in the series of amusing but
increasingly desperate attempts by Santosh to deflect
attention from the absurd claims of the extreme
socialist-environmental scientists by web sites like
JunkScience.com.  Santosh apparently has no response
to the numerous contradictory claims that I have
listed by his environmentalist friends, who are
embarrassing themselves with their contradictions.
Santosh writes:
> 2. Why can he not name a single scientist against
whom he 
> points his accusatory finger? What is he afraid of?
Mario replies:
My finger is pointed at all the environmental
charlatans who blame human industrial activity for the
global warming taking place.
As long as there are world leaders with common sense
like President Bush and P.M. Tony Blair there is
nothing to be afraid of.  Those gullible nations who
want to impose mandatory controls on their own
economies are feee to do so, and fool themselves into
believing they will achieve something while India and
China continue to generate increasing amounts of
greenhouse gases.
However, this is another classic example of childish
behavior aimed at deflecting attention from the
primary issue, which is the conflict between opposing
scientific schools of thought.    
Santosh writes:
> 3. Why can he not cite a single legitimate
scientific source 
> such as a real scientific expert or organization to
back any 
> of his comical "alternative scientific" material?
Mario replies:
All the information Santosh needs can be found on
By the way, the extreme environmental scientists now
find themselves on the wrong side of history, exactly
like their socialist co-horts.  The biggest proponents
of the Kyoto Protocols, the countries of "old Europe",
who thought they could bring the US down to their
level with mandatory environmental controls, are
failing to achieve their own bogus standards, and the
only world leaders that count, President George Bush
and P.M. Tony Blair, have explicitly or tacitly agreed
that mandatory standards are irresponsible in the
context of the contradictions in the scientific
evidence that humans are to blame for global warming.

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