|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |
Francis deSouza sells IMLogic to Symantec
4 Jan. Forbes. Francis DeSouza is IMlogic's founder and chief executive.... Officials did not release financial figures but the purchase price is estimated at between $75 and $100 million ... IMlogic is based in Waltham, Mass., and has about 100 employees ... DeSouza will continue to lead the group ... http://www.forbes.com/markets/bonds/2006/01/04/Symantec-IMlogic0104markets09.html For the genealogist: Francis is the son of Domingos DeSouza and Elpiniki Papacostandinour a Greek national. Domingos is the son of A. B Desouza (Parra) and Rosa Viegas e Souza (Anjuna). Domingos and Elpiniki got married in Ethiopia where he worked as Commercial Representative of C. Itoh & Co. Ltd Japan. He later transferred to their Dubai office and hence the family moved there. To check out the GVUK Francis deSouza photo and Supplement see http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/supplement/FrancisdeSouza.htm

India's rave days are fading fast
4 Jan. The First Post (UK). Goa has been tense these last 10 days ... Would Sloanes and their consorts be able to mix with hardcore Israelis, wild-eyed Italians and 'eve-teasing' Bombay sleazoids? ... The Christmas orgy at Anjuna had been cancelled by the fuzz. Would the big one, Hilltops, happen? It did, for three thousand, and, as of the time of writing, the third day is pounding on. It's gritty (stoned) and messy (uber-stoned), and, according to participants, all too full of groping middle-class Indians. "Old Goa is passing," said Prakash, as he fixed a banana lassi. "It is all becoming commercial now." It certainly is - but for now at least the beat goes on. 315 words. http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/index.php?menuID=2&subID=187

Anniversaries of 2006
3 Jan: The Daily Telegraph (UK). 7 April 1506: Born, in the castle of Xavier, near Sanguesa, Navarre: Francis Xavier (1506-52). He joined Ignatius Loyola in the founding of the Society of Jesus and spent the last decade of his life travelling in the far East, preaching the Gospel. He died within sight of China and his remains are enshrined at Goa. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/01/03/uhowse.xml

Church official opposes proposed premarital AIDS testing in India
3 Jan: UCAN. A Church official and an AIDS worker in Goa have expressed reservations over a government plan to make premarital AIDS/HIV testing mandatory. Father Valeriano Vaz, who heads Goa and Daman archdiocese's Council for Social Justice and Peace, says such a law would infringe on people's privacy ... Another priest, Father Eremito Rebelo, welcomed the government initiative but said he fears the medical certificates could be manipulated ... Jeromy Dias, a physician who heads Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSAS), acknowledged that making HIV/AIDS tests mandatory is tough. 640 words. http://www.catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=18169

Actress Celina Jaitley to portray a Catholic Goan girl
3 Jan: IndiaFM. Actress Celina Jaitley talks about her forthcoming sex comedy film, Jawani Diwani. "I am playing a catholic Goan girl Roma Fernandez, who is one local celebrity, a famous singer. Even though she is glamorous and sexy, her thinking is very simple. She's a girl who doesn't believe in sex before marriage or other than being in love." http://www.indiafm.com/features/2006/01/04/929/

Jute bags to replace plastic bags in Goa
4 Jan. Digital Goa. Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane today assured the Non Resident Goans/Indians that plastic bag menace will be severely dealt with in the State by replacing plastic bags with jute bags. Replying to a query raised by one of the delegates of Goa NRI convention that is underway at Kala Academy, Mr Rane also said that his government will come out with a solution for the garbage problem as well. http://www.digitalgoa.com/

Briton is key child sex trafficker
5 Jan: Deccan Herald. British citizen Douglas Ian William Rankin (62) who was arrested on December 24 by Immigration authorities at the Bangalore airport, is said to be one of the key players of a world-wide child sex trafficking ring. http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/jan52006/index205447200614.asp

India's Skies Teem With Airlines as Fares Drop and Shares Soar
4 Jan. Bloomberg. 4092 words. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000080&sid=aoiJyQLQtPOE&refer=asia

Goa for glory
1 Jan: The Sunday Sun (Newcastle). Travel article by Len Coates. 1042 words. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/0900travel/0200holidayreveiws/tm_objectid=16545499%26method=full%26siteid=50081%26headline=goa%2dfor%2dglory-name_page.html

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
|                                                                        |
|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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