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Mervyn wrote:
> > The govts of Afghanistan and Iraq were installed
by the 
> Americans. The Americans carefully vetted who would
be allowed 
> to hold govt positions. 
Mario responds:
The above assertion is completely false as one can
expect from Mervyn, who has always been a staunch
supporter of the Islamo-fascist oppression in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
The US-led coalitions removed the Muslim tyrants in
these two countries, and had only an advisory role in
the formation of the  governments and constitutions
and no role is who decided to run as candidates for
office.  They played no different role than what they
did after liberating Germany, Japan and Italy after
WW-II, and helping them develop into free democracies.
Mervyn writes:
> In Iraq, the puppet leader does not have control
over the road 
> from his residence to the airport.
Mario replies:
This is another falsehood that Mervyn has been
repeating for quite sometime, in language that clearly
shows a contempt for the people of Iraq and their
elected leaders.  The road to the airport in Baghdad
has not only been open for several months but commerce
is flourishing along many parts of the road, which was
cleared by Iraqi forces.
Mervyn writes:
> > To most of us, the people of those two countries
> are "under the sadistic and brutal heel of AMERICAN
Mario responds:
The "most of us" are all left wingers who opposed the
liberation of the Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
These comments are beneath contempt from a Canadian
resident whose abysmally weak and feckless country did
nothing but try and obstruct the liberations of these
two countries.
Mervyn clearly demonstrates a heinous contempt for the
oppressed people of Afghanistan and Iraq that have
been liberated by the US-led coalition, have now had
several UN sponsored and supervised elections where
millions voted at the risk of their lives, and are
going forward in the development of their free and
democratic countries.  In the meantime the
Islamo-fascists that Mervyn and his left wing cohorts
clearly support, are in their death throes, reduced to
targeting and killing innocent civilians in their
desperate attempts to deny them freedom and democracy.

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