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Collem dharna protests iron ore transportation

COLLEM, JAN 12 - The Nagrik Action Committee of Collem has been
staging a chain dharna outside the Collem panchayat since January 9,
to protest against the panchayat's proposed move to consider the
transportation of Karnataka iron ore from the Collem railway station
at a gram sabha meeting on Friday.
Speaking to Herald, Collem panch Narayan Kolvekar explained that ore
transportation activities from the Collem railway station were stopped
by residents about seven years ago, following a demonstration by the
then Collem Anti-Pollution Action Committee.
Another resident, Suresh Kovlekar said that residents would not allow
transportation of ore through Collem.
"Besides, the South Goa District Magistrate had issued an order in
1998, banning ore transportation activities from the Collem railway
yard," said Suresh Kolvekar.
On Monday, the first day of the dharna, the demonstration was staged
under the leadership of Suresh Kolvekar, former Collem Sarpanchs
Naresh Shigaonkar and Geeta Naik, Pundalik (Dada) Narvekar and 25
On the second day, 27 members of the Youth wing of Collem participated
in the dharna, while members of the Omkar Mahila Mandal will stage the
dharna on Thursday.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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