|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |
40-year-old woman gang raped in Goa
14 Jan: Deccan Herald. A 40-year old woman was raped by a gang of masked men who broke in and robbed a house in South Goa on Wednesday. The gang also sat for about four hours coolly polishing off the liquor in the house with their victims bound and gagged. http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/jan142006/national1755452006113.asp

India's New Faces of Outsourcing
11 Jan: Washington Post. Before he supervised teams, wooed American clients over dinner or sat in a boardroom alongside U.S. executives, Constancio Fernandes wrote computer code for a living ... But somewhere along the way, Fernandes became more confident and outspoken. He began questioning the Americans and suggesting cheaper, faster ways to run their businesses. They listened. "Most of the companies in the U.S. used to see Indian companies as sweatshops," said Fernandes, 33, who began as a programmer but is now the director of engineering at Reston-based Approva Corp.'s offices ... As they climb higher in the corporate food chain in transnational firms, Indian workers and executives are pushing their U.S. counterparts to take them seriously, taking on greater responsibilities and subtly changing the corporate culture of both countries. 1712 words with photographs and audio files. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/10/AR2006011001687.html

Travel diseases high among Toronto immigrants
13 Jan. Toronto Star. Toronto has one of the largest groups of international travellers in the world who come back with a tropical disease, according to a new study. Almost half are immigrants returning from visiting family and friends in Third World countries ... They see no risk in visiting homeland ... About 8 per cent of travellers to the developing world require medical care during or after their trip ... Preventive drugs can cost over $1,000 for a family of four and are no longer covered by OHIP. The government's attitude is, "If you can afford to travel, you can afford to pay." 734 words.

Goa: Two UK convicts go berserk, allege harassment
13 Jan: Herald. Two British inmates at Central Jail Aguada turned berserk and lashed at jail guards alleging corruption and harassment ... they claimed that the jail guards refused to allow them to call their families in the UK. http://oheraldo.in/node/8553

Claude Moraes: Parliament to investigate rendition flight claims
13 Jan: The Guardian (UK). The European parliament agreed yesterday to investigate allegations that the CIA set up secret prisons in eastern Europe and transported detainees through EU countries on "rendition" flights. British Labour MEP Claude Moraes said he expected to be on a committee looking at whether the CIA was involved in the torture of terrorist suspects in Europe. For a photograph and profile of Claude Moraes see http://www.claudemoraes.net/

Dinesh D'Souza named for new Marietta College  lectures
12 Jan: Marietta Times. Dinesh D'Souza, who has been named by the New York Times Magazine as one of America's most influential conservative thinkers, will open the series Feb. 7. He served as the senior policy analyst at the Reagan White House in 1987-88. His two most recent books are "What's So Great About America" (2002) and "Letters to a Young Conservative" (2002). In 1995, D'Souza published "The End of Racism," a controversial national best seller. http://www.mariettatimes.com/news/story/new66_112200694639.asp
For a profile of Dinesh D'Souza see http://www.dineshdsouza.com/
Also check out Salon, 13 Jan 2006 for the new controversy regarding Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination and his association at Princeton with Dinesh D'Souza "who has endorsed the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and has argued that what Americans regard as racism is only common-sense discrimination." Full text at http://www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2006/01/13/alito_controversy/

Couple fly out to open two children's shelters
11 Jan: Wilmslow Express (UK). Anne and Allan Dawson fly to India next month to officially open two children's shelters that generous Wilmslow residents helped to build. They have spent the past two years campaigning tirelessly to raise £20,000 needed for two shelters to house street children in Goa ... Anne and Allan became involved with the charity, El Shaddai Goa, eight years ago when they met the founder, Anita Edgar, at a popular tourist market near the beach resort of Calangute ... 416 words. http://www.thewilmslowexpress.co.uk/news/s/208/208012_couple_fly_out_to_open_two_childrens_shelters.html

UK Forthcoming Event
Sat. 25 Feb. 4 pm to 10:30 pm at Archbishop Lanfranc School, Croydon. Traditional Red & Black evening to celebrate Goan carnival, partly in aid of PEACE HAVEN. Enliven yourself with live bands - Level 4 and Chicco. Dress - Red & Black combination. Tickets (inc. Buffet & snacks) adults £15.00, children 4-12 years £5.00. contact- 0208 932 9375, 0208 640 6589, 0208 681 8716 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eve Menezes Cunningham Offers 15 Tricks to Brighten Your Day
10 Jan. The Evening Standard (London). Tips include: Take a bath full of colour; Change your posture; Go somewhere new; Breathe away your anxieties; Eat something different; Light a candle, etc. Full text, 920 words at http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=MFHQL7JUN018 The Eve Menezes Cunningham website is at www.applecoaching.com Also check her out at http://www.namastecentreofhealing.co.uk/phdi/p1.nsf/supppages/namaste?opendocument&part=5 Her email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Eve helps people who are feeling stressed, ill, off-balance or simply in need of pampering. Eve's father is Tim Cunningham ( http://www.opengroup.com/pxbooks/187/1871471893.shtml ) the poet, Her mother, Alexandra nee Menezes, who is professionally known as to Maeja Raicar, is a psychotherapist, with her website at www.namastecentreofhealing.com. Alexandra was born in Nairobi, Kenya and is the sister of Frank Menezes (London), Tony Menezes (Norway), Melita Figeiredo (London) and Angela Menezes (Goa).
The Goan Voice UK Newsletter can be accessed at 22:30 GMT daily at http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
|                                                                        |
|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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