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Benaulim shrimp hatchery left in the lurch

MARGAO, JAN 15 — Believe it or not, Goa's lone shrimp hatchery at
Benaulim — established under the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) in 1992 — is out of production this season for want of
government financial sanction of a meagre Rs 1.5 lakh to put the
unit's faulty electric transformer to order.

What's more, the government's callousness literally forced many a Goan
shrimp farmer to turn to private hatcheries across the State's
southern borders to Kumta and Mangalore for the seeds.
And, if one goes by the bureaucratic process, it's clear the Benaulim
hatchery will not be able to go into production till March-April,
loosing in the process an entire season.
What made the government to sleep over the file for almost three
months without according sanction isn't clear, but the mystery over
the government's real motive continues, with many wondering whether
there were any moves to lease out the hatchery to private parties.
What's surprising to note is that the transformer developed a
technical snag around June-July — during the off-season — and that the
fault is not rectified till date. Quotations invited by the department
put the repair estimates at around Rs 1.5 lakh.
 When hatchery officials approached the contractor around
November-December last, it was pointed out that the quotation validity
had already expired. Till date, however, the new quotations have not
come in with many an official wondering how much more time the
government will take to give the sanction this time.
Newly appointed Officiating Chief Executive Officer of the hatchery
Cedric Gomes says he expects the quotations to come in by January end
and that it will take around 35-45 days for the actual production to
This in effect means that production will commence only at the fag end
of the current season.
Goa has around 200 hectares of shrimp farming and most of the seed
requirements of the farmers were met through the Benaulim hatchery and
hatcheries across the border. Though the hatchery has a 25-million
capacity, it has never been utilised to its optimum, thus incurring
losses over the years.
Three years ago, the then government had planned to lease out the
hatchery to a private party to tide over the losses, but there were no


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: Truly left in the hatch!

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