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|           Book in Review: A Kind of Absence - Joao da Veiga Coutinho        |
|                     POEM: SUSEGAAD - Cynthia Gomes James                    |
by Charles Wheelan, Ph.D. 
> Do you remember the crap that Detroit
> produced before Honda  and Toyota 
> became serious players in the American market?
> (True, Detroit still  produces a 
> shocking amount of crap, but now we don't have to
> buy it, as GM  shareholders and bondholders have

> The first is energy. On the fossil fuel front, the
> world is locked in a zero-sum game. Every newly 
> prosperous high-tech worker in 
> Bangalore (or Beijing or Bangkok) wants a car or  at
> least a "two wheeler." 

Looking at this from the view point of an investor, I
would long oil stocks and short GM. Then again, that's
what the smart people have been doing for the past two

Also, as Indians get more dollars, dollars that are
depreciating in value, they will use the method they
traditionally use to store value i.e. they will invest
in gold.

Someone correct me if I am wrong but when you sell US
dollars and buy gold, that cannot be good for the US



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