Hi Clare and Paddy,

Happy New Year  --  2006

You lived in Karachi  --  so should not be too difficult to fit back into Goa  
--  even though corruption and bureaucracy has
magnified  --

As I said to Philip  --  I work in Bombay but my home is in Goa  --  Alto 
Porvorim  -- 
I try to get down as often as I can

I would suggest that you come down on a holiday  see the situation yourself and 
move around and check those areas where you would
like to live  --  and then put out feelers for old houses with a large compound 
 --  flats are plentifully available, but I cannot
think of living in Goa in a flat  --  though a flat is far more convenient for 
a non-resident to manage

Let me know when you decide to come down and I shall help as best I can



----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:45 AM

| On Monday, Jan. 16, Aloysius wrote:
| <Hi Goans Everywhere,
| I have just returned from a fourteen day holiday at home in Goa  --  and I am
| dismayed to find that more and more Goans (particularly Christians) are
| selling out their ancestral homes and lands  --  and the buyers are not just
| foreigners but other Indians from Punjab & Gujarat, --  fairly soon there
| will
| be few Goans in Goa as compared to non-Goans
| We now have  enough Goans in India and abroad in really good financial
| position to invest in Goa  --  so please come and buy those houses and lands
| which our short-sighted Goa Goans are selling out
| Cheers to a future in which Goans will inhabit Goa
| Aloysius>
| Hi Aloysius:
| Your subject clarion call got our attention and I would appreciate any leads
| or suggestions you can offer in making this dream a reality for us.
| Its been a long time since we've communicated -- remember the Karachi
| connection -- and are you now in Mumbai?
| Would it be practical for us in our early 70s to adapt in Goa and cope with
| the local palm greasing, which should be minimal?
| Thanks for awakening us, susegad Goans, and your invaluable advice.
| God Bless:
| Pat de Sousa
| (AKA Paddy)

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