Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this the same Heilburton guy who raped Iraq
> economically in cahoots with 
> his buddy the incompetent warmonger Bush and who is
> now sucking the Kuwaitis and Saudis dry of their 
> precious Oil so that these Arabs will soon be in the

> poorhouse?

Halliburton, run by Dick Cheney, was trading at USD$20
at the start of the Iraq war. It's now trading at

Any trader who believed that the US were invading Iraq
for oil (instead of "to promote democracy") went out
and bought oil stocks. After all, both Cheney and
President Bush (43) were oil men before accepting govt
positions and will return to trading  oil when their
terms are over. It helps the two when, coincidentally,
their "blind trusts" are loaded with oil stocks.

> Could Valenzuela and Cuba be far behind in the
> nefarious Cheney schemes to rob those countries of 
> their Oil?

Actually, both countries are a step ahead of Cheney.
Venezuela already owns the Citgo chain in the US and
has announced that it will supply cheap gas to the
American poor. Cuba is willing to do the same too.



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