1. In a polity bristling with "male skirts" and
"impotent ideologies",a Woman and an Officer  like 
Kiran Dhingra is a breath of fresh air holding out
hope for the future of not only Goa but the Indian
Union as well. By her  quiet, purposive, unobstrutive,
committed, steadfast adherence to the public weal Ms
Dhingra has won the admiration and gratitude of the
numerous knowledgeable citizens who are looking to a
transparent, effective ,and result-oriented approach
to the many problems that beset Goa and the
Nation.This is in sublime contrast to the loudmouth
louts that plague and bedevil the political discourse
of Goa.
2.Ms Dhingra returns to DELHI WITH HER HEAD HELD HIGH
The fact that she deigned not to even visit her
Chamber at the Secretariat on being posted out speaks
volumes for the clinically uncluttered,timely,
effective manner she conducted her work at all times.
There was no need for her to "take out" material,
replace files,cull papers, "set right" opinions etc
etc on being transferred. She has gracefully and with
dignity accepted her transfer as an incident of
service without sabre rattling and vain
protestations.As long as such Officers continue with
the Indian Administrative Service there is still hope
for the future. 
3.Mr J P Singh the Additional Secretary in the Central
Steel Ministry is known to have deported his "steel
backbone" in previous assignments. The remedy
prescribed by the Centre might well turn out to be
worse than the cure sought by the current dispensation
in the transfer of Ms Dhingra. Goans will have
occassion to interact with Ms Dhingra in her future
assignments. Till then Au Revoir Ms Dhingra. You have
fought the battle well. You have discharged your
duties in the best traditions of the IAS. Goans shall
remember your contribution to its polity.    

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