<Mr Naik has called upon his partymen, supporting either of the issues, not
to make statements in public, which he said were neither in the interest of
the common man or the party. He urged them and other political parties not
to politicise the issues and wait for the findings of the experts' committee
and the decision of the central government on them. He further said that
since the Prime Minister has promised to continue with the Dabolim airport
as also to decide on the future of Mopa airport project only after receiving
the feasibility report from the experts' committee, there was no issue left
for debate and that state leaders should wait till the Centre makes its
stand clear on them. The GPCC president further said that attempts were
being made to involve common man from the state on the issues and that such
attempts were not in the interest of general public and that party leaders
should refrain from making such attempts, and instead work for building the
party. Mr Naik also said that conflicting statements by party leaders
presented party in poor light and were sending wrong signals among the
partymen and were confusing the party cadres, as such leaders should refrain
from making such statements, which lowered the esteem of the party and its
leaders before the public.>
This kind of political "gag" order seems highly dubious. It is
anti-transparency and hence most retrograde. The need of the hour is for
greater information sharing about Mopa AND Dabolim in a level headed rather
than polemical way. Both are already shrouded in secrecy of varying kinds.

The Goa government has not placed the facts of Mopa before the public to
date. We have had to be content with bits and pieces appearing in the media
from time to time since May 2005. From the looks of this it is clearly
planned as a replacement for Dabolim (A380s, two runways, international etc)
a position from which the government is now trying to back track without
letting the public wisen up to this gross error.

As for Dabolim, the Goa government is perfectly happy to maintain the status
quo claiming it has no say in military matters! There is no meaning in
saying that the PM has promised to let Dabolim civil enclave continue. That
is the state of affairs anyway. Its only the completion of Mopa that will
lead to a shut down of Dabolim. And that is as per a Union Cabinet
resolution of 2000 which hopefully the PM has the power to rescind. Why is
nobody asking for this? Besides Mopa as planned at present will inevitably
lead to a long term decline of Dabolim too, as many have argued.

It is clear that the pro-Mopa committee is bent on pushing the present
design through, unchanged with the help of a pliable experts' committee.
That would be a huge mistake. That is what the anti-Mopa group should be
arguing about, not "Mopa Never".

Btw, is Ravi Naik the ex-CM under whose watch Anjediva was handed over to
the Navy without a whimper? Hmmm!

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